30XX:Negation Pulse

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Negation Pulse
Negation Pulse.png
Negates projectiles and deals minor damage in a wide area! (Fusion: Defend)
Type Power
20 base damage
10 Energy Cost

Negation Pulse is a Power for Nina, Vika and Delta. When used, a fast circular shockwave is emitted from the player which damages enemies and clears projectiles.

Power Fusions

Negation Pulse's fusion effect, Defend, will grant all weapons it is fused with a new defensive function that will block projectiles in some way.

  • Zen Mortar (Zen Protector)
    • 12 NRG cost.
    • Summons a heavy statue from above, generating a protective barrier once it hits the ground.
    • When split or after a few seconds, detonates into a spread of 3 fireballs that each deal 40 base damage.
  • Crystal Wave (Crystal Pulse)
    • 12 NRG cost.
    • Launch a pulse that inherits the player's velocity, similarly to the Shadespur in 20XX.
    • Freezes enemies, and deals 20 base damage.
  • Aiming Gear (Negation Gears)
    • 20 NRG cost.
    • A shield of four gears that will orbit the player.
    • Each gear does 20 base damage, and can block a single projectile before disappearing.
  • Rending Whirl (Negation Barrier)
    • 1 NRG cost (drains 10 NRG per second afterwards).
    • A shield that is completely invulnerable to projectiles, but disables the player's attacks and powers while it is active.
    • Blocking Projectiles provides a temporary, stacking buff that boosts Weapon attacks.
    • Can be toggled on and off anytime.
  • Crushing Void (Obliteration Pulse)
    • 50 NRG cost.
    • The player pauses for a second, then releases a much larger Negation Pulse that deals 80 base damage to any enemies caught within it.
  • Jagged Bolt (Pulse Bubble)
    • 5 NRG cost.
    • Launches 3 bubbles above and to either side of the player.
    • Usually harmless, but will seek out any projectiles on screen.
    • When active, the bubbles destroy projectiles and deal 20 base damage.
  • Autodrone (Kindness Vector)
    • 15 NRG cost.
    • Fires off a Legacy orb that creates smaller Negation Pulses in its wake. (20 base damage)
    • If it hits an enemy, wall, or one of your attacks, it explodes, dealing damage in a large sphere. (50 base damage)

Stage Interactions


  • Negation Pulse appears to be based on the 20XX Power Force Nova (20XX).png Force Nova, although its damage is reduced from 3.0x Power Strength to 2.0x. Otherwise, they are functionally identical.
  • Negation Pulse’s Fusion with Aiming Gear appears to be based on the 20XX Power Flameshield (20XX).png Flameshield, and is functionally identical.

Demo GIFs

Note: click the thumbnail in order to play the GIF


  • Unknown Version: Can no longer disable Boltpairs in Deepverse.
  • Early Access 0.35.0:
    • Due to the energy rework, now costs 10 energy (originally 1).
    • Reworked a majority of Negation Pulse's fusions.
    • Fusions now provide the same result regardless of fusion order.
  • Early Access 0.29.0: Added interactions in Penumbra and Echocave.
  • Early Access 0.25.0: No longer disappears immediately when it hits an invulnerable/shielded target.
  • Early Access 0.24.0: Can now be fused with Jagged Bolt.
  • Early Access 0.22.0: Negation Pulse with Rending Whirl now properly removes existing shield projectiles when spawning new ones.
  • Early Access 0.15.0: Released.

Zen Mortar.png Zen MortarCrystal Wave.png Crystal WaveAiming Gear.png Aiming GearRending Whirl.png Rending WhirlCrushing Void.png Crushing VoidNegation Pulse.png Negation PulseJagged Bolt.png Jagged BoltAutodrone.png Autodrone
Unleash Blade.png Unleash BladeZen Ascent.png Zen AscentEcho Shell.png Echo ShellDolomite Link.png Dolomite LinkRaijin Call.png Raijin CallVoid Double.png Void DoubleOsafune.png OsafuneRyuusei.png RyuuseiLeviathan.png Leviathan