30XX:Renewal Pod

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Renewal Pod
Renewal Pod.png
Enemy kills fuel item drops!
Type Repro
Shop Cost 17 Nuts
Salvage 1 Scrapbits

Renewal Pod is a Repro-type augment. When obtained, it floats behind the player. After the player kills three enemies, Renewal Pod gains a petal. After Renewal Pod has gained 8 petals (24 total kills), it will drop a consumable from the enemy drop table after a short delay. The consumable can be either small health, large health, a small nut or a large nut. Equipping Zookeeper's Command.png Zookeeper's Command will not have an immediate effect on Renewal Pod. It will instead activate once its petal count is reset to 0 after granting a drop.

Picking up multiple Renewal Pods will raise its level by 1, reducing the amount of kills needed to drop a consumable by 3, to a minimum of 12 kills at level 5.


  • The appearance of Renewal Pod appears to be based on the 20XX boss Death Lotus.


  • Release 1.2.0: Appears less often?
  • Early Access 0.36.0: Heavily nerfed. Now drops an item every 24 enemy kills, and can no longer drop tokens. Previously, it dropped an item every 8 enemy kills.
  • Early Access 0.27.0?: Description changed. Previously, it was "Consumes nearby lifeforce!"
  • Early Access 0.25.0: No longer gains petals when killing enemies which endlessly spawn, like Void Orbs.
  • Early Access 0.24.0: Released.