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They're at your disposal.
Type Primary Weapon
Equip Cost N/A Core Points
Appears once per run.
Fast attack speed
12 base damage
0% Charged Damage Modifier
Attacking rapidly reduces accuracy

Lucavi is a Primary Weapon for Ace. Fires medium-range kunai forward which deal 12 base damage. Firing kunai slowly increases the random spread of the weapon, up to 45 degrees. The spread gradually returns to 0 degrees if the weapon isn't being fired. Charged attacks don't deal extra damage, but fire a large kunai which cause targets to be "locked on" for 2 seconds. Any kunai fired while facing a "locked on" target will perfectly accurately aim towards the target, ignoring the current spread level.

Using Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade causes Ace to rapidly hit enemies in front with a flurry of six strikes. Each hit has a base damage of 12, for a total of 72 damage. Damage scales off of attack strength. All swings deal full damage on bosses without triggering boss' iframes. Costs 20 Energy per use, and cannot be used without enough energy.


  • The natural spread decay is equivalent to 2 shots per second. Firing slower than this will completely negate the spread.

Weapon Augs

(Transcluded from Effortless Blades)

Effortless Blades
Effortless Blades.png
Lucavi's Unleash costs no NRG.
Type Weapon Augment
Can only be used by Ace.
Appears once per run.

Effortless Blades is a Weapon Augment for Lucavi.png Lucavi. When obtained, using Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade with Lucavi.png Lucavi will not drain any energy.


  • Early Access 0.50.0: Released.
(Transcluded from Phase Knives)

Phase Knives
Phase Knives.png
Thrown Kunai travel much faster.
Type Weapon Augment
Can only be used by Ace.
Appears once per run.

Phase Knives is a Weapon Augment for Lucavi.png Lucavi. When obtained, the projectile speed and range of the kunai thrown by Lucavi is doubled.


  • Early Access 0.50.0: Released.


  • Unknown Version: Unleash Blade now does 6 strikes. Previously, it did 5.
  • Early Access 0.44.0:
    • Increased the hitbox of Lucavi's projectiles.
    • Maximum spread reduced from a 90-degree cone to a 45-degree cone.
    • Damage increased by 20%, for both regular shots and the Unleash.
    • Charged attack overhauled - instead of firing +2 kunai per charge level, it now fires a large kunai which causes regular shots to lock on to the enemy hit.
  • Early Access 0.18.4:
    • Increased the size of the hitbox on Lucavi's Unleash.
    • Made Lucavi's Unleash damage a little more consistent, increased the damage on the first hit, and removed one hit from the end.
  • Early Access 0.18.0: Lucavi's charged attack now works properly with Armatort's Pound, allowing it to erase enemy shots.
  • Public Demo 1 (Patch):
    • Shards fired by Lucavi now behave properly with boss invulnerability frames.
    • Reduced the damage of Lucavi's Unleash.
  • Public Demo 1: Released.