30XX:Unleash Blade

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Unleash Blade
Unleash Blade.png
Unleash Ace's equipped weapon.
Type Technique

Unleash Blade is a Technique for Ace and Jest. The effects, energy cost and appearance differs depending on the player's currently equipped weapon.

The energy cost of Unleash Blade varies depending on the equipped Primary Weapon. Most weapons (except Lucavi) can use Unleash Blade without enough energy at a 90% damage penalty.


  • A-Saber: A spinning blade fires out of the player, travelling a set distance before returning. It pierces through enemies but not walls, and deals 10 base damage per hit, scaling off of power strength. Costs 10 Energy per use.
  • Tonbokiri: Fires out an energy spear which quickly travels forwards. When it hits a wall, it acts as a semi-solid platform. It deals 30 base damage, scaling off of power strength. Costs 10 Energy per use.
  • Lucavi: Rapidly hits enemies in front with a flurry of small blade strikes. Six swings in total, dealing 12 base each for a total of 72 damage, scaling off of attack strength. Swings can be affected by charging, though typically only the first swing is affected. All swings deal full damage on bosses without triggering boss' iframes. Costs 20 Energy per use, and cannot be used without enough energy.
  • Lara: Flings a spinning hammer diagonally upwards, falling in an arc. It deals 25 base damage, scaling off of power strength. Costs 10 Energy per use.
  • Grandmaster: Deals a powerful hook which sends enemies it kills flying, which can then damage other enemies for damage equal to the flung enemy's HP (20 damage if flung enemy's HP is less than 20). The hook deals 2.0x Attack Strength. Current weapon charge applies with a modifier of 200%. Costs 10 Energy per use.
  • Edgewall: While held, a shield will appear in front of the player. Costs 10 Energy to use, gradually drains 10 energy per second while active, and drains an additional 5 energy per blocked projectile. Upon blocking a projectile, the player's primary weapon becomes charged. If energy runs out while active, it will automatically deactivate. Using it at 0 energy will activate the shield for only a quarter of a second.
  • Laurent: Initiates a dodge, moving the player forwards for a quarter of a second. While moving, the player is completely invincible, allowing him to use the technique to move through enemies or attacks. Costs 10 Energy per use.
  • Dawnbind: Launches a spinning bola straight outward, dealing 10 base damage, scaling off of power strength. Enemies hit by the bola will be Disabled for 3 seconds, preventing them from attacking. Costs 10 Energy per use.
  • Thanatos: Launches a small spinning scythe straight forward, dealing 20 base damage, scaling off of power strength. Enemies hit by the scythe will be marked for death for 3 seconds. Killing another enemy while an enemy is marked for death will instantly kill the marked target, no matter how much health they have. If a boss is marked, it deals a flat 30 damage instead, and does not remove the mark. Costs 10 Energy per use.


  • When playing as Jest, all forms of Unleash Blade will appear greyscale and the description will read "Unleash Jest's equipped weapon." instead.



  • Early Access 0.44.0:
    • Introduced Edgewall, Laurent, Dawnbind and Thanatos, along with their variants of Unleash Blade.
    • Increased the damage of Lucavi's Unleash by 20%.
  • Early Access 0.36.0: All Unleashes (except Lucavi) now cost 5 energy. Unleashes can be used even at 0 energy, but will deal 90% less damage.
  • Early Access 0.33.0:
    • Removed the Surge mechanic. Unleash Blade still costs no energy.
    • Increased the damage of A-Saber's Unleash back to 1.0x Power Strength, up from 0.7x.
  • Early Access 0.23.0: Unleash Blade now appears properly on the HUD when Ace has a different weapon equipped. Previously, it only appeared properly on the pause menu.
  • Early Access 0.19.0:
    • Unleash Blade can now be Surged. Previously, all Unleashes cost 1 Style, which regenerated over time.
    • Introduced Grandmaster, along with its version of Unleash Blade.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Tonbokiri's Unleash to fly through enemies without damaging them if it travels through multiple enemies in a row.
  • Early Access 0.18.4:
    • Lucavi's Unleash hitbox increased in size and deals one less hit but the first hit deals double damage.
    • Unleash Blade is no longer disabled when Ace has the Powerless curse.
  • Early Access 0.15.10: Ace can now catch the A-Saber's Unleash when he has invulnerability frames.
  • Early Access 0.15.0?:
    • Reduced the damage of A-Saber's Unleash to 0.7x Power Strength, down from 1.0x Power Strength.
    • Introduced Lara, along with its version of Unleash Blade.
  • Public Demo 1 (Patch): Reduced the damage of Lucavi's Unleash to 0.5x Power Strength, down from 1.0x Power Strength.
  • Public Demo 1: Released.

Zen Mortar.png Zen MortarCrystal Wave.png Crystal WaveAiming Gear.png Aiming GearRending Whirl.png Rending WhirlCrushing Void.png Crushing VoidNegation Pulse.png Negation PulseJagged Bolt.png Jagged BoltAutodrone.png Autodrone
Unleash Blade.png Unleash BladeZen Ascent.png Zen AscentEcho Shell.png Echo ShellDolomite Link.png Dolomite LinkRaijin Call.png Raijin CallVoid Double.png Void DoubleOsafune.png OsafuneRyuusei.png RyuuseiLeviathan.png Leviathan