30XX:Bouncy Beam

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Bouncy Beam
Bouncy Beam.png
Your shots bounce off of surfaces.
Type Primary Weapon
Equip Cost 1 Core Point
Appears once per run.
Projectiles ricochet off of surfaces

Bouncy Beam is a Primary Weapon for Nina. When equipped, all projectiles (even Powers) fired by the player will ricochet off of surfaces once.


  • When equipped with Wall Beam.png Wall Beam, the shots will split on the second surface collision, and then bounce again.
  • Bouncy Beam.png Bouncy Beam will not function if a projectile phases through surfaces. For this reason, equipping it with Wave Beam.png Wave Beam or Quantum Spook.png Quantum Spook is not recommended.
  • When using it with a projectile which explodes upon hitting a surface (like Rocket Beam.png Rocket Beam or Zen Mortar.png Zen Mortar), they will explode on hitting a surface the second time.


  • Early Access 0.46.0: Shots that hit an invulnerable enemy now bounce as if hitting a wall.
  • Early Access 0.45.0: Released.