30XX:Wave Beam

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Wave Beam
Wave Beam.png
Megaparticles pierce foes and walls! Also, wavy.
Type Primary Weapon
Equip Cost 2 Core Points
Projectiles pierce walls
Charged projectiles pierce enemies
Projectiles wave down and then up

Wave Beam is a Primary Weapon for Nina. When equipped, it causes Nina's bullets to travel in a sine wave formation, going down first before going up. Each bullet can travel through walls, and charged shots can pierce enemies even without killing them. Fully charging the weapon increases both the wavelength and amplitude of the wave, and Ultracharging it with Dracopent's Claw.png Dracopent's Claw increases it further.


  • Wave Beam.png Wave Beam appears to be based on the 20XX weapon Wave Beam (20XX).png Wave Beam, and has almost exactly the same effect. Interestingly, in both games Wave Beam started with a 20% damage bonus before having that bonus removed later into Early Access.
  • The oscillation from Wave Beam.png Wave Beam only occurs vertically, causing some interesting movement patterns when combined with weapons like Vertibeam.png Vertibeam or The Forkalator.png The Forkalator.
  • When combined with Spiral Beam.png Spiral Beam, it fires projectiles that spin in a small circle while slowly moving forwards.
  • When combined with Chonk Beam.png Chonk Beam, the wavelength of the beam is significantly decreased, making it easier to hit targets.
  • When combined with Sniper Beam.png Sniper Beam, the wavelength of the beam is significantly increased, though as the projectile will never arc above Nina before leaving the screen, it also becomes more predictable.
  • When combined with Seeker Beam.png Seeker Beam, the homing ability becomes greatly hindered and often won't function at all.
  • When combined with Arc Beam.png Arc Beam, the arc is completely negated, allowing the player to make use of the occasional 20% damage bonus without worrying about having an arcing shot.


  • Unknown Version: Now functions properly when ultracharged via Dracopent's Claw.png Dracopent's Claw.
  • Early Access 0.40.0: No longer increases the damage of shots by 20%.
  • Early Access 0.25.0: Charged attacks will no longer disappear if they hit an invulnerable/shielded target.
  • Public Demo 1: Released.