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Trusty blade.
Type Primary Weapon
Equip Cost N/A Core Points
Appears once per run.
12 base damage (1st & 2nd Swing)
28 base damage (3rd Swing)

A-Saber is a Primary Weapon for Ace. Ace starts with this equipped. Swings three times both on the ground and in the air. Decent horizontal range and minor vertical range. 1st and 2nd swing deal 12 base damage. 3rd swing deals 28 base damage. Charged attacks deal +100% damage per charge level and increase the horizontal and vertical reach of the weapon.

Using Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade causes a spinning blade to fire out in front of Ace, travelling a set distance before returning. It pierces through enemies but not walls, and deals 10 base damage per hit, scaling off of power strength, with the potential to multi-hit enemies every 0.5? seconds. Costs 10 Energy per use, but can be used without enough energy, though it will only deal 0.1x normal damage.


  • Using Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade at a medium distance from enemies is ideal, as enemies caught in the blade when it turns around will be multi-hit. Against large enemies, this typically lets you deal around 5 hits per Unleash.
  • While the A-Saber's vertical range does not compare to Lara.png Lara's, it's still enough to take care of vertical threats with very minimal risk. Echocave's falling crystals are easily dispatched with the A-Saber if there's no room to dodge horizontally.
  • Combining the A-Saber's three hit combo with Unleash Blade is a good way to output high damage quickly against tankier enemies.

Weapon Augs

(Transcluded from Saber Impulse)

Saber Impulse
Saber Impulse.png
Saber's Unleash can be juggled!
Type Weapon Augment
Can only be used by Ace.
Appears once per run.

Saber Impulse is a Weapon Augment for the A-Saber.png A-Saber. When obtained, when using Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade, attacking the spinning blade with the saber will cause them to fire out again at no energy cost.


  • Early Access 0.50.0: Released.
(Transcluded from Resonant Saber)

Resonant Saber
Resonant Saber.png
Saber kills send rippling damage projectiles at nearby foes.
Type Weapon Augment
Can only be used by Ace.
Appears once per run.

Resonant Saber is a Weapon Augment for the A-Saber.png A-Saber. When obtained, defeating an enemy with the A-Saber will cause the enemy to fire a projectile at the closest enemy, dealing (2.0x Attack Strength?) damage.


  • The projectile counts as a melee attack, and such will build up Style if it hits something. This can cause the player to gain multiple Style from a single attack.
  • The projectile will trigger attack-based bonuses like Dracopent's Pride.png Dracopent's Pride and Coup de Grace.png Coup de Grace.
  • The projectile launched is the same projectile that is fired by Superweight.png Superweight, with different scaling.


  • Early Access 0.50.0: Released.


  • Release 1.00.20: Increased the damage of the third swing to 2.8x Attack Strength (from 2.0x).
  • Early Access 0.44.0: Charged attacks now have greatly extended horizontal and vertical reach and leave a lingering slash visual.
  • Early Access 0.36.0: Can now Unleash without enough energy at a 90% damage penalty.
  • Early Access 0.19.0: Introduced the Surge system, along with a Surged version of the A-Saber's Unleash. Due to this, catching the A-Saber's Unleash no longer refunds energy.
  • Early Access 0.15.10: Ace can now catch the A-Saber's Unleash when he has invulnerability frames, refunding the Style cost when he does so.
  • Public Demo 1 (Patch): Fixed a bug where the final hit of the A-Saber would not have higher damage or a higher attack cooldown.
  • Public Demo 1: Released.