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A crystal cavern that bumps to the beat. Full of appearing platform, deadly crystal foes, and so much sound.

Echocave is a zone in 30XX. It is an underground cave filled with various speakers and musical instruments.


Object Description
Falling Crystal Jagged, target-agnostic spike that falls when a player passes under it. If it happens to bump into an enemy before it hits you, it deals 100 damage and that's pretty great. When level editing, attach this to ceilings. Can be destroyed with attacks. Getting hit by the stalactite will damage the player for 1 Projectile damage.
Strike Platform Crystal Attack this to activate the matching colour's Strike Platforms. Will turn on all platforms of its colour in the chunk. Colour is variable.
Strike Platform Appears once the matching Strike Platform Crystal is struck by a player. Will wink out of existence after a set time. Colour and the time it takes to disappear is variable.
Crystal Path Define a path of platforms which appear and disappear in a sequence, forming a path for the player to follow - or completely ignore, disregarding your hard design work. Block active time and amount of active blocks at once is variable.
Spikes A painful, solid spike that harms the player for 1 Hazard damage on contact. The player cannot wall jump on spikes, even if they have knockback resistance.
Lava Adjustable blue rectangle of destruction. Never moves, no matter how hard it tries. It doesn't try very hard, though. Falling into lava will damage the player for 1 Hazard damage, and respawn them on the last safe spot they were on.



(Gonna replace this section with bigger, centre-aligned images of the boss and miniboss once I get everything set up, this'll do for NOW)



Main article: Echocave/Datalore



  • Early Access 0.44.0:
    • Sound Alarms have been replaced with the Sonicrab enemy
    • Added the Crystal Spawner enemy
    • Added Digzones
  • Early Access 0.15.0: Stage theme changed to Hollows.
  • Public Demo 3: Now available again.
  • Public Demo 2: Temporarily made unavailable.
  • Public Demo 1: Released. At the time, the music track High Fidelity was used as the stage theme.