30XX:Version History/0.23

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0.23 added a bunch of visual polish as well as a few smaller bug fixes in preparation for the next major update.


Release: 4th of August, 2021

  • Experimental: Added variance in enemy placement to many Burning Temple chunks. Let us know if you see any spawns that look a little unfair!
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player's bottom half to get stuck in certain objects.
  • The dash state is now "stickier" while on the ground, and takes a bit to deactivate when dashing up/down a slope. This makes Unstoppable Force more reliable to activate on slopes/in general.
  • Fixed an issue causing the "I'm almost on the ground, so don't activate hover/fly!" logic to apply to some objects it shouldn't have, like Penumbra's block switches.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Ace to slowly float downward while hovering after using certain Powers.
  • Beta Rollies' flame trails now actually hurt.
  • Experimental: Changed how Beta Crystal Elemental attacks work.
  • Fixed an issue with item rerolls not applying correctly in Challenges.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause item inconsistency in Weekly Challenges when using Quick Restart.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause item inconsistency in Challenges between characters.
  • Fixed an issue where an interaction between Airdash and Hover/Fly could let you fly infinitely.
  • Fixed an issue where your "starting character" save data could get set to an invalid value, causing startup crashes.
  • Added a default framerate limit to Fullscreen without V-Sync (240). Change the value given in config.ini in the game's install directory if you'd like to change this. This change has no effect on any render mode other than fullscreen with vertical sync off. A value of "0" will remove the cap (and behave like previous 30XX patches). Values under 30 will be increased to 30.
  • Added beta Falling Spikes in Echocave that can't be destroyed. Echobeast's spikes (since they're also indestructible) now use the Beta color.
  • Updated lots of item icons.
  • Added a better tell when a Deepverse Wall Laser is about to start firing.
  • Added a tell indicating a Glitch Arc's path before it starts sending out projectiles.
  • Added duplicate Core prevention that'll automatically convert a duplicate Core into nuts if a game effect would give you a Core you already have.
  • Activating Zen Ascent while sliding on a wall will now always send Ace in the opposite direction of the wall. (This also fixes an issue where Ace could activate ZA repeatedly while up against a wall to deal crazy boss damage, since it ignores iframes.)
  • Updated Clockzone's Waterfall Platform visuals.
  • Updated Lava visuals.
  • Updated Slot Machine visuals.
  • The tokens display on the HUD no longer displays when you have 0 tokens.
  • Updated airdash visuals for effect consistency when not dashing forward.
  • Updated Highvault's Jumpzone visuals.
  • Fatal Fury is no longer Salvageable.
  • Armor pickups now track properly in online play if you grab one and quickly take damage (for example, by picking up Armor that's on top of lava), using the same "give me credit for this pickup before the host verifies it's really there" logic that Health pickups use.
  • Corrected Wind Platform SFX in Highvault.
  • Fixed a few animation issues relating to using Lara's hammer swing and throw in quick succession.
  • Fixed a crash relating to Prototype Resonator and the Grab Bag blessing.
  • Fixed an error where Nina would sometimes not play her charged shot animation shortly after moving.
  • Zen Primus now has a different color scheme while enraged.
  • Made the end-level Power pickup icon smaller so it fits in the item circle.