30XX:Tiny Flamespewer

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Tiny Flamespewer
Tiny Flamespewer.png
Spews flame cones at foes!
Type Repro
Shop Cost 35 Nuts
Salvage 2 Scrapbits

Tiny Flamespewer is a Repro-type augment. When obtained, it trails behind the user, firing a spread of 3 short-ranged projectiles at any enemy detected in a small radius around itself every 2 seconds. Each projectile has a base damage of 15. For every bonus point of power strength the player has, the damage of each projectile is increased by an additive 5%. For every point of power strength below the default the player has, the damage of each projectile is reduced by a subtractive 5%, capped at -90% with -18 power strength. Additionally, the projectiles will pierce targets they kill. If multiple projectiles from a single attack hit the same target, each projectile beyond the first will only deal 0.125x damage.

Picking up more than one Tiny Flamespewer will raise its level by 1, increasing the number of projectiles fired by 1 and also increasing the base damage dealt by each projectile by 7.5. With the Zookeeper's Set Bonus active, its attack speed is doubled.



  • Tiny Flamespewer is based on the 20XX augment Tiny Flamespewer (20XX).png Tiny Flamespewer, and has almost the exact same effect.
