30XX:Thorned Revenger

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Thorned Revenger
Thorned Revenger.png
Attacks when your health changes!
Type Repro
Shop Cost 25 Nuts
Salvage 2 Scrapbits
10 Base Damage

Thorned Revenger is a Repro-type augment. When obtained, it fires a circle of 8 projectiles around the user whenever their health changes, be it through taking damage or healing. The projectiles deal 10 damage each and can pierce enemies, but not walls. An attack cannot be triggered more than once every 0.4 seconds. This cooldown is not affected by attack speed boosts. When an enemy is hit multiple times by the same projectile or by more than 1 projectile from the same attack, each hit after the first will only deal 0.125x damage.

Picking up more than one Thorned Revenger will raise its level by 1, increasing the base damage dealt by each projectile by 5. With the Zookeeper's Set Bonus active, a circle of 16 projectiles will be fired when an attack is triggered instead of 8.

Interactions and Synergies


  • Thorned Revenger will also fire immediately upon pickup.
  • Thorned Revenger's appearance is based on the enemy Rolly.


  • Release 1.2.0: Appears less often and now costs 25 nuts instead of 17. This also changed its salvage value from 1 to 2.
  • Release 1.1.03: No longer benefits from Counterstrike.png Counterstrike, Kinetic Destructor.png Kinetic Destructor, or Rage Circuit.png Rage Circuit, and receives half the normal boost from non-multiplicative global damage buffs such as Shield Bash.png Shield Bash.
  • Release 1.00.21: If an enemy if hit multiple times from the same attack, each hit after the first now deals 12.5% damage. Previously, this interaction was bugged, and each hit after the first dealt 12.5% damage even if the hits were from different attacks.
  • Release 1.00.20: Shots fired are no longer the same colour as enemy projectiles.
  • Unknown Version: No longer gains damage based on the player's bonus maximum health.
  • Early Access 0.53.0: Any projectile which hits the same target after the first hit now deals 12.5% damage, similar to Tiny Flamespewer.png Tiny Flamespewer.
  • Early Access 0.46.0: Decreased shop cost to 17. Previously, it cost 25 nuts.
  • Early Access 0.45.0: No longer negatively scales if the player's maximum health is below their default. Also prevents the repro from healing enemies if the player's maximum health is extremely low.
  • Unknown Version: Description changed. Previously, it was "Avenges you profusely!"
  • Early Access 0.24.0: Released.