30XX:Blue Streak

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Blue Streak
Blue Streak.png
Prevent all damage while holding nuts. Nuts go flying when hit, then vanish. Die when taking a hit while poor.
Type Prototype
Appears on the left side of Very Safe Labs.
Does not appear in multiplayer.
Appears once per run.

Blue Streak is a Prototype Augment. When the player is hit after obtaining this Prototype, they will take no damage but lose all available nuts. Lost nuts are scattered in all directions, and vanish after 3 seconds if the player doesn't pick them up. If the player takes damage without any nuts, they instead take 99990 damage, usually killing them instantly, although damage preventing items will work against it. All nuts spawned when the player gets hit are small nut pickups. If multiple copies of this prototype are acquired, there is no additional effect.

With Prototype Resonator.png Prototype Resonator, if the player has over 50 nuts when they take damage, they will only drop 50 of them.

Collecting System Restore.png System Restore will cause the player to take standard damage if they get hit without any nuts, instead of 99990 damage.

Interactions and Synergies

  • Damage from Burn for Glory.png Burn for Glory, Gears of Industry.png Gears of Industry, and red vending machines will still deal damage normally and will not cause your nuts to be dropped.
  • If the player has either Market Fluctuations.png Market Fluctuations or Gears of Industry.png Gears of Industry, the player will drop large nuts instead of small nuts when taking damage. The total value of the nuts dropped will be equal to the amount of nuts the player had rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5, to a minimum of 0. This does not affect the amount of nuts the player loses when taking damage, only the amount of nuts that are dropped to be picked up.
  • The negative effect of Market Fluctuations.png Market Fluctuations is overwritten by Blue Streak.png Blue Streak - it will increase the money the player obtains without much downside.
  • Since Market Fluctuations.png Market Fluctuations and Gears of Industry.png Gears of Industry cause all nuts to be worth 7 when obtained with Prototype Resonator.png Prototype Resonator, they can allow the player to theoretically obtain infinite nuts when utilized with Blue Streak.png Blue Streak. Since Prototype Resonator.png Prototype Resonator also causes the player to only drop 50 nuts when taking damage with Blue Streak.png Blue Streak, this not only allows the player to accumulate a lot of nuts without generating any lag, but this also mean that with enough nuts, the player can make themselves effectively invincible with this combo.
  • When appearing as an offer from shops and the Smuggler due to the effects of Madness Fountain.png Madness Fountain, this prototype costs 2 nuts and 1 Scrapbits.png Scrapbit respectively.


  • Blue Streak.png Blue Streak is based on a recurring mechanic in the Sonic the Hedgehog series where the player drops all rings upon taking a hit, and dies if they take a hit without holding any rings at all.
    • Additionally, the name is based on the lyrics to the song Fastest Thing Alive from the Saturday morning Sonic the Hedgehog animated series.
  • Hits taken with Blue Streak.png Blue Streak while holding nuts do not deal knockback and do not count against the player's Efficiency Bonus or the "Stay Safe" objective of Glory Zones.



  • Early Access 0.38.0:
    • Updated icon. Previously, it was the Placeholder New.png Placeholder sprite.
    • Fixed a bug where the player would effectively become invulnerable if they obtain Blue Streak combined with either Gears of Industry.png Gears of Industry or Market Fluctuations.png Market Fluctuations until the game crashes from the player spawning excessive amounts of nuts.
  • Early Access 0.37.0: Introduced.

Autoloader.png AutoloaderBest Friend.png Best FriendBlue Streak.png Blue StreakBrittle Guard.png Brittle GuardBurn for Glory.png Burn for GloryCharging Force.png Charging ForceConsuming Fury.png Consuming FuryConsuming Habits.png Consuming HabitsConsuming Stamina.png Consuming StaminaContractor Beta.png Contractor BetaCrushing Hysteria.png Crushing HysteriaEarthmetal Plating.png Earthmetal PlatingEdges of Madness.png Edges of MadnessElliecare.png ElliecareFinal Shell.png Final ShellFlaring Hysteria.png Flaring HysteriaFocused Repair.png Focused RepairGears of Industry.png Gears of IndustryGrey Goo.png Grey GooHealing Flair.png Healing FlairKinghealer.png KinghealerKingseeker.png KingseekerMadness Fountain.png Madness FountainMarket Fluctuations.png Market FluctuationsPatchwork Integrator.png Patchwork IntegratorPatchwork Overloader.png Patchwork OverloaderRage Insurance.png Rage InsuranceThe One and Only.png The One and OnlyTick, Tock.png Tick, TockUtilifier MAX.png Utilifier MAXVexing Clover.png Vexing CloverVibrodevourer.png VibrodevourerViolence Enhancer.png Violence EnhancerVital Gambit.png Vital GambitWincing Clover.png Wincing CloverZookeeper's Burden.png Zookeeper's Burden