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Location HQ and any non-special stage except Midgard

The Smuggler (also known as the Regular, Normal Scrap Dealer and the Trader) is a recurring NPC who can appear in the HQ and any non-special stage except Midgard.


If the player has the Smuggler's Beacon Memory Index upgrade unlocked, the Smuggler will appear in HQ. When interacted with, they will offer 5 random items for an amount of Memoria equal to the item's shop price. If the Smuggler's Beacon Memory Index has been overclocked, they player will also have the option to reroll all unpurchased offers for 20 Memoria (or 10 when overclocked to rank +2).

In Stages

When interacted with, the Smuggler will allow the player to trade their Scrapbits.png Scrapbits for items and vice versa. More specifically, the Smuggler will give the player 3 options for what they can do.

For the first option, they will select a random augment in the player's inventory, and offer them an amount of Scrapbits.png Scrapbits equal to that augment's salvage value plus 1 for the item. However, if the player has Useless Garbage.png Useless Garbage in their inventory, they will instead be guaranteed to offer 5 Scrapbits.png Scrapbits for it.

For the second option, they will offer to give the player a random augment (except for Fatal Fury.png Fatal Fury) or Core Augment in exchange for an amount of Scrapbits.png Scrapbits equal to the item's shop price divided by 25, rounded up. They can also offer the player a random Resonant Armor piece they haven't obtained yet for 4 Scrapbits.png Scrapbits. Each offer can only be accepted once, and the player also has the option to spend 2 Scrapbits.png Scrapbits to receive a different offer (1 if playing as Vika or Jest). They can also offer to give the player something in exchange for all of their Scrapbits.png Scrapbits. These offers include:

  • Granting the player 2 armor pickups per Scrapbits.png Scrapbit exchanged.
  • Granting the player 15 nuts per Scrapbits.png Scrapbit exchanged.
  • Granting the player random augments based on the amount of Scrapbits.png Scrapbits exchanged.
  • Granting the player random Repros based on the amount of Scrapbits.png Scrapbits exchanged.
  • Granting the player random Core Augments based on the amount of Scrapbits.png Scrapbits exchanged.

For the third option, they will offer to give the player a Core Extender.png Core Extender in exchange for 1 Scrapbits.png Scrapbit. The Smuggler starts with 2 Core Extender.png Core Extenders in stock, will replenish 1 each time the player encounters them again, and can have up to 2 in stock at a time. This option is not given if the player is playing as Vika or Jest, as they cannot use Core Points at all.



  • The Smuggler is confirmed to be the player character Vika.
    • Unlike Delta, the Smuggler does not appear differently if the player is playing as Vika.


  • Release 1.1.00: Crushing Hysteria.png Crushing Hysteria and Flaring Hysteria.png Flaring Hysteria no longer affect the amount of Scrapbits.png Scrapbits gained when giving the Smuggler items.
  • Release 1.1.00:
    • Fixed the Smuggler floating in mid-air when upside-down in Watergrav.
    • Fixed the Smuggler occasionally behaving poorly in Mega Mode.
  • Early Access 0.57.0: The Smuggler now always appears in Rush Job boss hallways, and doesn't replace the natural-spawning currency chest there.
  • Early Access 0.56.0:
    • Scrap Trawler's buff is no longer removed when purchasing an Aug from the Smuggler.
    • The Smuggler now offers 1 Core Extender per encounter (down from 2). She'll still stock up to 2 if you don't buy the first one.
  • Early Access 0.54.0:
    • The Smuggler no longer sometimes offers to buy your Core Extender.
    • Fixed a minor issue where purchasing the Smuggler's Beacon Memoria upgrade, then resetting HQ would result in a one-time Smuggler with no items for sale.
  • Early Access 0.53.0: Rerolling the Smuggler's offer now costs 2 Scrapbits (up from 1). Resonators from the Trader now cost 4 Scrapbits (up from 3).
  • Early Access 0.52.0:
    • Fixed an issue causing the Smuggler to offer character-specific Augs to the wrong character in co-op play.
    • The Smuggler no longer offers Fatal Fury or Core Extender (as a random offer).
  • Early Access 0.51.0: Fixed an issue causing the client to sometimes see no valid trade with the Smuggler in co-op (it happened when the client checked before the host).
  • Early Access 0.50.0:
    • Fixed an error preventing online play clients from using the Smuggler more than once.
    • Fixed Smuggler deals Hysteria-duplicating some items it shouldn't.
  • Early Access 0.49.0: The Smuggler can now appear mid-run, and will make you some offers to either give her one of your items for some Scrapbits, take some or all of your Scrapbits to award you with one or more items, or sell you a Core Extender.
  • Early Access 0.37.0: Added the Smuggler's Beacon, a new Memory Index entry that calls the mysterious Dealer to HQ. The Dealer will trade you Augs that apply to your next run in exchange for some of the extra Memoria you have lying around.