30XX:Memory Index

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The Memory Index is the place where one gets permanent upgrades. These upgrades are purchased with Memoria.png Memoria, which can be acquired on runs by defeating minibosses and bosses. Defeating a boss without getting hit potentially rewards extra Memoria.

After beating the game once, these upgrades can be overclocked using Titan Shard.png Titan Shards. For every new Entropy Level beaten at the Entropy Cluster, the player is awarded between 3 and 8 Titan Shards, depending on the difficulty cleared.

Upgrade Ranks Cost Ingame Description
Ancient Durability.png Ancient Durability 1 Memoria.png 5 Memoria Increases Maximum HP (10 per rank).
2 Memoria.png 15 Memoria
3 Memoria.png 30 Memoria
4 Memoria.png 50 Memoria
+1 Titan Shard.png 1 Titan Shard OVERCLOCK: Even more Max HP.
+2 Titan Shard.png 2 Titan Shards
+3 Titan Shard.png 4 Titan Shards
+4 Titan Shard.png 8 Titan Shards
Forgotten Energy.png Forgotten Energy 1 Memoria.png 5 Memoria Increases Maximum NRG (10 per rank).
2 Memoria.png 15 Memoria
3 Memoria.png 30 Memoria
4 Memoria.png 50 Memoria
+1 Titan Shard.png 1 Titan Shard OVERCLOCK: Even more sweet NRG juice.
+2 Titan Shard.png 2 Titan Shards
+3 Titan Shard.png 4 Titan Shards
+4 Titan Shard.png 8 Titan Shards
Salvager Circuit.png Salvager Circuit 1 Memoria.png 10 Memoria Unlocks Salvaging. Augs can be salvaged for nuts or other resources.
2 Memoria.png 50 Memoria
Rite of Rebeginning.png Rite of Rebeginning 1 Memoria.png 15 Memoria Unlocks the Autotank, which can resurrect you one time per run if you feed it with health.

Stores 40 health, plus 20 health per rank.

Does not appear in Mega Mode.
2 Memoria.png 50 Memoria
3 Memoria.png 100 Memoria
4 Memoria.png 150 Memoria
+1 Titan Shard.png 3 Titan Shards OVERCLOCK: Your Autotank can be re-used.
(Once per rank)
+2 Titan Shard.png 8 Titan Shards
+3 Titan Shard.png 30 Titan Shards
Recon Network.png Recon Network 1 Memoria.png 30 Memoria Discover more destinations after each level (one per rank).

Does not appear in Mega Mode.
2 Memoria.png 100 Memoria
Smuggler's Beacon.png Smuggler's Beacon 1 Memoria.png 50 Memoria Summons a being who will trade Augs you can use on your next run for Memoria.

Higher ranks unlock more choices.

Does not appear in Mega Mode.

2 Memoria.png 100 Memoria
3 Memoria.png 150 Memoria
+1 Titan Shard.png 10 Titan Shards OVERCLOCK: Reroll unpurchased Smuggler items.
Rank 1: Costs 20 Memoria
Rank 2: Costs 10 Memoria
+2 Titan Shard.png 20 Titan Shards
Choicebooster.png Choicebooster 1 Memoria.png 100 Memoria Increases shop choice count.
2 Memoria.png 300 Memoria
+1 Titan Shard.png 3 Titan Shards OVERCLOCK: One extra item on sale in the first X shops.
+2 Titan Shard.png 8 Titan Shards
+3 Titan Shard.png 20 Titan Shards
Environment Configurator.png Environment Configurator 1 Memoria.png 100 Memoria Select a stage type to increase the chance it shows up early in a run. At rank 2, you may also select a stage type to prevent it from showing up early.
2 Memoria.png 200 Memoria
+1 Titan Shard.png 5 Titan Shards OVERCLOCK: Configurate even more stages!
+2 Titan Shard.png 10 Titan Shards
Honest Research.png Honest Research 1 Memoria.png 30 Memoria Unlocks powerful Prototype Augs for future runs. Prototype Augs are purely beneficial, and definitely don't do anything negative.
+1 Titan Shard.png 3 Titan Shards OVERCLOCK: Prototypes can be rerolled... at a cost.
Rank 1: Costs 3 Rerolls
Rank 2: Costs 2 Rerolls
+2 Titan Shard.png 8 Titan Shards
Rediscovered Trove.png Rediscovered Trove 1 Memoria.png 25 Memoria Start with +5 nuts (per rank).
2 Memoria.png 40 Memoria
3 Memoria.png 60 Memoria
4 Memoria.png 80 Memoria
+1 Titan Shard.png 2 Titan Shards OVERCLOCK: Wow! Even more cash.
+2 Titan Shard.png 4 Titan Shards
+3 Titan Shard.png 8 Titan Shards
+4 Titan Shard.png 16 Titan Shards
+5 Titan Shard.png 32 Titan Shards
+6 Titan Shard.png 32 Titan Shards
Dally's Blessing.png Dally's Blessing 1 Memoria.png 10 Memoria Dally blesses your journey with an early gift. Higher ranks unlock a powerful pool of options.
Rank 1: Offers basic health, energy, armor, nuts or a low-tier Aug
Rank 2: Also offers Core Augments and Primary Weapons
Rank 3: Also offers Powers, Remnants and Prototype Augments
2 Memoria.png 40 Memoria
3 Memoria.png 150 Memoria
Timeless Core.png Timeless Core 1 Memoria.png 25 Memoria Increase starting CP (1 per rank).
2 Memoria.png 50 Memoria
3 Memoria.png 75 Memoria
4 Memoria.png 100 Memoria
+1 Titan Shard.png 2 Titan Shards OVERCLOCK: Even more Core Points.
+2 Titan Shard.png 4 Titan Shards
+3 Titan Shard.png 6 Titan Shards
+4 Titan Shard.png 8 Titan Shards
Parallelized Fate.png Parallelized Fate 1 Memoria.png 150 Memoria Unlocks Fate Distortion, which lets the player reroll up to one dropped Aug per rank.
2 Memoria.png 200 Memoria
3 Memoria.png 300 Memoria
4 Memoria.png 400 Memoria
+1 Titan Shard.png 5 Titan Shards OVERCLOCK: An infinite future of possibility.
+2 Titan Shard.png 6 Titan Shards
+3 Titan Shard.png 8 Titan Shards
+4 Titan Shard.png 11 Titan Shards
+5 Titan Shard.png 15 Titan Shards
+6 Titan Shard.png 20 Titan Shards


  • The resources required to unlock everything in the Memory Index is Memoria.png 3440 Memoria and Titan Shard.png 337 Titan Shards.
  • When playing in online multiplayer, most Memory Index unlocks will be based on just the host's progression. However, for Player 2, their own Ancient Durability.pngAncient Durability, Forgotten Energy.pngForgotten Energy, Rite of Rebeginning.pngRite of Rebeginning and Timeless Core.pngTimeless Core unlocks will be used.
  • When playing Daily or Weekly Challenges, the only Memory Index unlocks available are Salvager Circuit.pngSalvager Circuit and Honest Research.pngHonest Research, which will be active even if they are not yet unlocked.


  • Early Access 0.38.0: Introduced Titan Shards, which can be used to overclock upgrades beyond their initial limts.
  • Early Access 0.37.0:
    • Removed Potentia. All upgrades which required Potentia now require Memoria instead.
    • Added new Memory Index upgrades: Smuggler's Beacon and Environment Configurator.
    • Reworked Core Blessing into Dally's Blessing, which provides a choice of 3 items.
    • Reduced the maximum level of Choicebooster by 1. If it was already purchased, 600 Memoria will be refunded.
  • Early Access 0.19.0: Removed Multiverse Gate. Maker Mode is now unlocked by completing a run instead.
  • Early Access 0.16.0: Parallelized Fate now functions.
  • Early Access 0.15.0: Added new Memory Index upgrades: Rite of Rebeginning, Core Blessing, Choicebooster and Multiverse Gate. Parallelized Fate was also available to unlock, but did nothing.
  • Public Demo 1: Released. At this time, only six upgrades were available: Ancient Durability, Forgotten Energy, Autocharge, Salvager Circuit, Rediscovered Trove and Timeless Core.