30XX:Owlhawk's Feather

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Owlhawk's Feather
Owlhawk's Feather.png
Core (Legs): 1 second fly! (Tap JUMP while in midair/again to cancel)
Type Core Augment
Shop Cost 53 Nuts
Salvage 3 Scrapbits
Equip Cost 5 Core Points
Appears once per run.
Short Fly Online!

Owlhawk's Feather is a core augment. When equipped, the player can press the jump button again in midair to fly for 1 second. When hovering, the player can move in the 8 cardinal directions at a set speed.

With the Resonant Boots.png Resonant Boots, movement speed while flying is doubled, and flight time is increased to 1.5 seconds.

Equipping every piece of the Owlhawk set provides the Everfont set bonus, which increases Power Efficiency by 67%, for a total of 100% with Owlhawk's Focus.png Owlhawk's Focus. (117% with the Resonant Helmet.png Resonant Helmet)


  • With Armatort's Momentum.png Armatort's Momentum, the flight and hover will activate at the same time - providing the mobility of flight with the duration of hover.
  • With Oxjack's Blitz.png Oxjack's Blitz, using an airdash while flying will cause you to fly at airdash speed until the flight time runs out.


  • Early Access 0.40.0: Increased shop cost to 53. Previously, it cost 30 nuts.
  • Early Access 0.33.0:
    • Updated icon. Previously, it looked like Owlhawk's Feather 0.32.png.
    • Can now be upgraded with the Resonant Boots.png Resonant Boots.
    • Now triggers a set bonus when every piece of the same set is equipped.
    • Now has an interaction with Armatort's Momentum.png Armatort's Momentum.
  • Early Access 0.23.0: Fixed a bug which could allow the player to fly indefinitely when combined with Oxjack's Blitz.png Oxjack's Blitz.
  • Early Access 0.15.0: Released.

Core Augments
Armatort's Dome.png Armatort's DomeArmatort's Shell.png Armatort's ShellArmatort's Pound.png Armatort's PoundArmatort's Momentum.png Armatort's Momentum
Dracopent's Fang.png Dracopent's FangDracopent's Pride.png Dracopent's PrideDracopent's Claw.png Dracopent's ClawDracopent's Bound.png Dracopent's Bound
Owlhawk's Focus.png Owlhawk's FocusOwlhawk's Reign.png Owlhawk's ReignOwlhawk's Talon.png Owlhawk's TalonOwlhawk's Feather.png Owlhawk's Feather
Oxjack's Ken.png Oxjack's KenOxjack's Guile.png Oxjack's GuileOxjack's Fury.png Oxjack's FuryOxjack's Blitz.png Oxjack's Blitz
Vagrant's Sonata.png Vagrant's SonataVagrant's Yearn.png Vagrant's YearnVagrant's Dissonance.png Vagrant's DissonanceVagrant's Waltz.png Vagrant's Waltz
Zookeeper's Command.png Zookeeper's CommandZookeeper's Phalanx.png Zookeeper's PhalanxZookeeper's Wrath.png Zookeeper's WrathZookeeper's March.png Zookeeper's March
Resonant Armor
Resonant Helmet.png Resonant HelmetResonant Chestplate.png Resonant ChestplateResonant Buster.png Resonant BusterResonant Boots.png Resonant Boots