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Block attacks to charge a devastating disc!
Type Primary Weapon
Equip Cost N/A Core Points
Appears once per run.
13 base damage
Significant range with unique trajectory

Edgewall is a primary weapon for Ace. It can shoot out up to 3 small, piercing saw blades that travel forward before arcing up and returning back to Ace. The blades have a base damage of 13, and cannot hit enemies more than once.

Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade activates a barrier in front of Ace that can block projectiles. The barrier costs 10 energy to activate, and after about a 0.2 second delay, it will start consuming 10 energy each second, and will last until the the player runs out of energy or releases the button. If a projectile is blocked by the shield it charges the weapon, allowing it to shoot out a bigger saw blade that deals 40 base damage (60 if Ultracharged), travels further, does not return and has an enemy-piercing effect. The barrier can be activated without sufficient energy, though it will disappear shortly after.

Weapon Augs

(Transcluded from Cycling Edge)

Cycling Edge
Cycling Edge.png
Edgewall can catch Ace's projectiles.
Type Weapon Augment
Can only be used by Ace.
Appears once per run.

Cycling Edge is a Weapon Augment for Edgewall. When obtained, using Unleash Blade with Edgewall will allow it to catch any projectile launched by the player, allowing the weapon to be very easily charged.


  • Early Access 0.50.0: Released.
(Transcluded from Magnetic Edge)

Magnetic Edge
Magnetic Edge.png
Edgewall's Charged Attack also returns to Ace.
Type Weapon Augment
Can only be used by Ace.
Appears once per run.

Magnetic Edge is a Weapon Augment for Edgewall. When obtained, firing a charged attack with Edgewall will cause the projectile to return to Ace, similar to how uncharged attacks function.


  • Early Access 0.50.0: Released.