30XX:Sealing Record Key

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Sealing Record Key
Sealing Record Key.png
Key to some kind of information terminal. Glows with a familiar energy.
Type Story Item

Sealing Record Key is a story item, acquired by accessing a secret path in the Tutorial.


To acquire the Sealing Record Key, first play through the tutorial as normal until you acquire Zen Mortar.png Zen Mortar as Nina. After picking up the Power, go backwards all the way to the start of the stage, and climb up. Zen Mortar.png Zen Mortar will allow you to hit the switch above the start of the level, opening up a secret path. Progressing further backwards will eventually lead up to a boss corridor, with Kur standing behind it. Unlike the normal tutorial fight against Kur, this time he will use his Aspera moveset, although only Phase 1 is used.

Defeating Kur will open up the door to the left, rewarding the player with the Sealing Record Key, a Datalore entry and 5 Titan Shards. The key can then be used to get Essence of the Sealed Hero.png Essence of the Sealed Hero.


  • As soon as you enter the fight with Kur, the mercy health that you get in the tutorial will be disabled, and it becomes possible to die. As you won't be able to get health augments in the tutorial, it's advised to upgrade your maximum health at the Memory Index to stand a better chance against the boss.
  • You have infinite energy in the tutorial, even during the boss fight, so don't be afraid to use Zen Mortar.png Zen Mortar to deal damage quickly.


  • The music that plays during the fight with Kur here is Bound by Duty, which is normally the boss theme of Zen Primus.


  • Early Access 0.42.0: Released.

Story Items
Blueprint- Reversal Device.png Blueprint: Reversal DeviceChronopointer.png ChronopointerHoot's Hourglass.png Hoot's HourglassTime Anchor.png Time AnchorImbued Chronovane.png Imbued ChronovaneCoalesced Entropy.png Coalesced EntropySealing Record Key.png Sealing Record KeyEssence of the Sealed Hero.png Essence of the Sealed HeroMultiversal Map.png Multiversal MapFile:Compressed Chronopulse.png Compressed Chronopulse • File:Causation Invalidator.png Causation Invalidator • File:Cathedral Coordinate.png Cathedral Coordinate • File:Memento of Harmony.png Memento of Harmony • File:Memento of Devotion.png Memento of Devotion • Symbol of Submission.png Symbol of SubmissionSymbol of Peace.png Symbol of Peace