30XX:Resonant Saber

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Resonant Saber
Resonant Saber.png
Saber kills send rippling damage projectiles at nearby foes.
Type Weapon Augment
Can only be used by Ace.
Appears once per run.

Resonant Saber is a Weapon Augment for the A-Saber.png A-Saber. When obtained, defeating an enemy with the A-Saber will cause the enemy to fire a projectile at the closest enemy, dealing (2.0x Attack Strength?) damage.


  • The projectile counts as a melee attack, and such will build up Style if it hits something. This can cause the player to gain multiple Style from a single attack.
  • The projectile will trigger attack-based bonuses like Dracopent's Pride.png Dracopent's Pride and Coup de Grace.png Coup de Grace.
  • The projectile launched is the same projectile that is fired by Superweight.png Superweight, with different scaling.


  • Early Access 0.50.0: Released.