30XX:Vital Crystal

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Vital Crystal
Vital Crystal.png
Hucks boulders when near full life!
Type Repro
Shop Cost 30 Nuts
Salvage 2 Scrapbits
20 Base Damage

Vital Crystal is a Repro-type augment. When obtained, it trails behind the user. If the user is at or above 80% health, it will launch a purple crystal at a enemy within a large radius of itself every 2 seconds. Each crystal has a base damage of 20, increasing by 0.2 for every point of maximum health the user has above their starting amount.

Picking up more than one Vital Crystal raises its level by 1, increasing the base damage of the purple crystals by 10 and decreasing the health needed for the repro to activate by a subtractive 20%, activating at any health level at level 5 and above. With the Zookeeper's Set Bonus active, its attack speed is doubled.



  • Vital Crystal's appearance appears to be based on the Crystal Elementals from Echocave.
  • When the player's health is too low for Vital Crystal to activate, its eyes will appear closed.


  • Release 1.2.0: Appears less often and now costs 30 nuts instead of 25.
  • Release 1.1.03: No longer benefits from Counterstrike.png Counterstrike, Kinetic Destructor.png Kinetic Destructor, or Rage Circuit.png Rage Circuit, and receives half the normal boost from non-multiplicative global damage buffs such as Shield Bash.png Shield Bash.
  • Unknown Version: Now scales off of maximum health instead of power strength.
  • Unknown Version: Now scales off of power strength instead of attack strength.
  • Early Access 0.24.0: Released.