30XX:Mixed Blessing

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This page is about the scrapped Augment. For Prototype Augments in general, see Prototypes.

Uncertain Blessing
Mixed Blessing.png
Embrace chaos.
Type Prototype Augment
feel the sweet, wild touch of chaos.

Mixed Blessing (or Uncertain Blessing) was an augment introduced with the first iteration of the Prototype Augment system in Early Access 0.17.0.

Mixed Blessing, by itself, had no passive effects. It existed for the purpose of consolidating a random Prototype upside and downside (which were internally considered separate Augments) into a single pickup. Upon picking it up, the player would gain three items: Mixed Blessing itself, the Prototype blessing, and the Prototype curse.

Curses Blessings
Powerless.png Powerless
Noodly.png Noodly
Outcast.png Outcast
Stoic.png Stoic
Defiant.png Defiant
Immaterial.png Immaterial
Uncharging.png Uncharging
Famished.png Famished
Debilitating.png Debilitating
Fragile.png Fragile
Force.png Force
Sagelens.png Sagelens
Hysteria.png Hysteria
Core.png Core
Clover.png Clover
Archive.png Archive
Grab Bag.png Grab Bag
Mender.png Mender
Nutfinder.png Nutfinder

A few combinations were later blacklisted, either due to self-contradiction, or generally not being fun to play. Many of these still exist in the game as individual Augments, and some can be seen as Challenge Run flavors.

Up until Early Access 0.27.0, the player would also be subject to a "balancer"- a random reward or penalty of Nuts, Memoria.png Memoria, Potentia.png Potentia, or stats, based on how good the blessing was compared to the curse. The Protobalancer.png Protobalancer aug was originally designed to remove negative Balances and amplify positive ones. However, after the removal of Balances altogether, Protobalancer was changed to grant 15 nuts upon picking up a Prototype.

After fully random Prototypes were replaced with a more curated selection of Singleton Prototypes with variations on the same concepts, Mixed Blessing served no functional purpose anymore. It was scrapped shortly afterwards, in Early Access 0.50.0.


  • Early Access 0.50.0:
    • Reduced the spawn rate of Very Safe Laboratories, but now they offer a choice of two Prototypes instead of just a single one.
    • Removed "Uncertain Blessing". Now, Prototypes just appear directly as an augment.
  • Early Access 0.37.0: Two-part Prototypes no longer appear. Instead, all Prototypes are now Singleton-type Prototypes.
  • Early Access 0.17.0: Introduced with the original two-part Prototype system.

Unused / Removed Items and Content
Potentia.png Potentia • Advanced Repair.png Advanced RepairBurn for Glory (0.26).png Burn for Glory (0.26)File:Reclaimed Spark.png Reclaimed Spark • Kinetic Converter.png Kinetic ConverterMixed Blessing.png Mixed BlessingForce.png ForceSagelens.png SagelensHysteria.png HysteriaCore.png CoreClover.png CloverArchive.png ArchiveGrab Bag.png Grab BagMender.png MenderNutfinder.png NutfinderPowerless.png PowerlessNoodly.png NoodlyOutcast.png OutcastStoic.png StoicDefiant.png DefiantImmaterial.png ImmaterialUncharging.png UnchargingFamished.png FamishedDebilitating.png DebilitatingFragile.png FragilePurifying Waters.png Purifying WatersFresh Moves.png Fresh MovesFinal Bargain.png Final BargainOops! All Refunds.png Oops! All RefundsBlinding Hysteria.png Blinding Hysteria • Defiant Decree.png Defiant Decree • Mobility Repositioner.png Mobility Repositioner • Patchwork Contract.png Patchwork Contract • Purifying.png Purifying • Everfont.png Everfont • Uncharging Force.png Uncharging Force • Thieving.png Thieving • Grooving Pulsar.png Grooving Pulsar • Grazing Harvester.png Grazing Harvester • Olympian.png Olympian • Frost Beam.png Frost Beam • Star Beam.png Star Beam • Autocompleter.png Autocompleter • File:Riotous Bulwark.png Riotous Bulwark • File:Glorious Production.png Glorious Production • File:Unspeakable Act.png Unspeakable Act