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There are five playable characters in 30XX, Nina, Vika, Ace, Jest, and Delta. Characters can be switched in the hub by going to their respective character capsule and interacting with it. Additionally, there are multiple non-playable characters which can be interacted with for story purposes in HQ, or during a run to offer challenges and blessings.

Playable Characters


Nina Idle Anim.gif
Nina HPBar Float.png
Starting Gear N-Buster.png N-Buster

Nina is the game's protagonist, wielding her modular N-Buster.png N-Buster to attack at range and utilising high-damage Powers to tear through beefier enemies with ease.

Nina's reworked N-Buster can now have beam modifiers attached, which allows her to fuse multiple Primary Weapons into one. Any extra weapon acquired from Contemplation Shrines will alter how the N-Buster acts, either adding additional projectiles or altering how the projectiles function.

For Powers, Nina now has access to Power Fusion, allowing her to merge two Powers and use them as one, giving them all-new effects. This can completely alter how each Power behaves, giving Nina a lot more options in battle.

Upon hitting an enemy, Nina recovers 0.5 energy, plus an additional 0.5 energy if the enemy was slain. Nina can recover 20 Energy from small health pickups, and 40 Energy from large health pickups.

Primary Weapons



Ace Idle Anim.gif
Ace HPBar Float.png
Starting Gear A-Saber.png A-Saber

Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade

Ace is the game's deuteragonist, specializing in melee combat with a variety of weapons as well as having input-command Techniques which can be weaved together. Each technique has their own individual cooldown, so properly weaving attacks and different techniques together is the key to minimizing down time.

Ace can now carry every Primary Weapon he obtains at once, but only one can be equipped at a time. Ace's starting Technique, Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade, changes form depending on which Primary Weapon Ace currently has equipped - usually in the form of a ranged projectile. When pressing the Blade Swap button, Ace can quickly switch between his current weapon and the last weapon he had equipped.

For Techniques, Ace can equip and use all 9 Techniques at once, without worrying about swapping what Techniques are equipped. The inputs UP + POWER or DOWN + POWER, or LEFT/RIGHT + POWER, where "POWER" refers to one of the three power buttons, is how Ace accesses a specific technique.

When Ace hits an enemy with any Primary Weapon or through any melee Technique, he will gain a stack of Style; when he has at least 3 stacks of Style, his energy will begin to regenerate at a rate proportional to his maximum energy (4% of his max NRG per second with 3+ Style, 8% per second with 6+ Style, 12.5% per second with 10+ Style, and 25% per second with 20+ Style). If Ace takes damage, he is knocked down to the lowest level of the Style tier below his current one, and Style begins to decay after 3 seconds of not hitting an enemy (at a rate of 2 stacks per second(?)). This energy regeneration allows Ace to freely cast his powers without having to worry about running out of energy as long as he remains in combat. Ace can also recover 10 energy from small health pickups, and 20 energy from large health pickups, half as much as Nina can.

Primary Weapons

Weapon Augs



"Delta" redirects here. For the NPC and boss fight, see Delta (NPC).
Delta Idle Anim.gif
Delta HPBar Float.png
Starting Gear N-Buster.png N-Buster

A-Saber.png A-Saber

Delta is the game's rival character, made playable with the release of Release 1.2.00. He is unlocked after beating the game or reaching Level 5 five times. He acts as an all-rounder, being able to attack with both ranged and melee strikes. He has access to both Nina and Ace's primary weapons and Powers, but does not have some of their unique mechanics.

While Delta can obtain most of Nina and Ace's primary weapons, there are a few exceptions. (Juice Beam.png Juice Beam, Verity Beam.png Verity Beam, Aim Beam.png Aim Beam, Dawnbind.png Dawnbind and Lucavi.png Lucavi). Instead of charging his weapons normally, he gains weapon charges by hitting enemies. Hitting an enemy 3 times with a Nina weapon will provice an Ace weapon charge, and vice versa. Delta can only equip one Primary Weapon of each type - he does not have access to Nina's Buster Fusion or Ace's Weapon Augs.

When defeating a boss, Delta will randomly be awarded either the boss' Power or Technique, which he can assign to one of eight inputs, similarly to Ace. Any Nina Power used by Delta costs twice as much energy, while any Ace Technique used by Delta cost half as much energy. Delta cannot fuse Powers like Nina can, nor does he have access to Ace's Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade.

Upon hitting an enemy with any primary weapon or melee Technique, Delta gains a stack of Hype, up to 25 stacks. If Delta has more than 20 stacks, he can press a button to consume the stacks and enter the Glorious state, fully restoring Delta's energy as well as providing +50% damage and +20% movement speed for 5 seconds. If Hype isn't used, it will decay after 5 seconds of not dealing damage to enemies.

Primary Weapons


Revenant Characters

Revenant Characters were introduced in Release 1.1.00, and are Hard Mode versions of the regular playable cast. They can be unlocked by completing a run at Entropy Level 5 or higher, and are selected by interacting with their equivalent character's pod with the [Power 2] button.

Compared to the regular cast, Revenants have the following changes made to them:

  • Maximum Health and Energy starts at 40 and upgrades from the Memory Index have no effect.
  • Primary attacks and Repros deal 0.5x damage, Power attacks deal 0.8x damage.
  • Cannot equip Core Augments or Resonant Armour. Additionally, Core Point-related augments cannot be used, due to them not having Core Points as a mechanic.
    • Glory Zones will offer a choice of 3 Augments, instead of 2 Cores and 1 Augment.
  • Can only equip a single Primary Weapon. Any Primary Weapon obtained will appear greyscale, though this is only visual.
  • Start with a Prototype Resonator.png Prototype Resonator and an File:Antiquated Design.png Antiquated Design. Very Safe Labs have a 50% higher chance of appearing.
  • Rerolling a Trader deal only costs 1 Scrapbits.png Scrapbits.


Vika Idle Anim.gif
Vika HPBar Float.png
Starting Gear V-Shooter.png V-Shooter

Vika is the Revenant of Nina, sharing most of her mechanics. She starts with the V-Shooter.png V-Shooter, a weapon which is functionally identical to the N-Buster.png N-Buster, however, it suffers from a 50% damage reduction.

An uncharged V-Shooter.png V-Shooter shot does 5 damage as opposed to the N-Buster.png N-Buster's 10 damage.

In addition to the usual Revenant restrictions, Vika also loses access to Nina's Power Fusion.


Jest Idle Anim.gif
Jest HPBar Float.png
Starting Gear J-Cutter.png J-Cutter

Unleash Blade.png Unleash Blade

Jest is the Revenant of Ace, sharing most of his mechanics. He starts with the J-Cutter.png J-Cutter, a weapon which is functionally identical to the A-Saber.png A-Saber, however, it suffers from a 50% damage reduction.

An uncharged J-Cutter.png J-Cutter combo deals 26 damage as opposed to 52 with the A-Saber.png A-Saber.

Stat Mechanics

Nina, Ace, and Delta start with 80 Maximum Health and Energy, while Vika and Jest start with 40. All characters will start with +0 Attack Strength, Power Strength, Run Speed and Jump Height. Each point of Strength will increase damage dealt by the corresponding damage type by an additive 10%, while each point below 0 subtracts 5%. Both Strength stats have a lower cap of -18 (subtractive -90% damage), but no upper limit.

All level pieces outside of Community Mode are designed to be completable with all optional extras without any Run Speed or Jump Height upgrades. Each point of Run Speed or Jump Height increases their respective base stat, but has diminishing returns after +8 (half effect), +16 (quarter effect) and +32 (tenth effect). The gains do not diminish any further beyond +32.

Non-Playable Characters


Main article: 30XX:Alexia

Alexia is a non-playable character who is only found in the HQ and Editor. She primarily provides hints to the player to advance the story of 30XX. She also appears in the tutorial for the Editor, teaching the player how to create their own level chunks.

During one of the Town Hall livestreams, it was revealed that her full name is Alexia Sharp, indicating that she may be a descendant of Dr. Brighton Sharp from 20XX.


Main article: 30XX:Eleanor

Eleanor (also referred to as Ellie) is the primary antagonist in 30XX, her goal being to end worlds through the release of Midgard in order to reduce the density of worlds and avoid the Big Crunch. She is first seen in the tutorial unsealing Nina from her stasis seal, issuing a challenge to face her in her lab. She also appears in numerous other cutscenes throughout the game and is fought as the boss of Level 9.

Given that she is close friends with Alexia, shares similar proportions with Arlan Flat from 20XX and is listed as 'Dr. Eleanor Flat' in her Datalore, it can be assumed that Ellie's full name is Eleanor Flat, which explains how she and Alexia are close.


Dally is a non-playable character who is found both at HQ, and at the start of the run once the Dally's Blessing Memory Index entry is unlocked. When found at the start of the run, she provides the player with a choice of three randomly picked items, ranging from augs and nuts to Powers, Remnants and even Prototypes. When found in HQ, you can pet her.


Main article: 30XX:Delta (NPC)

Delta is a character who also serves as the rival to Nina and Ace. He appears randomly throughout the run to offer a challenge condition to the player in exchange for a reward. When encountered at level start, the challenge lasts for the whole level and the reward is given upon successfully completing the level. When encountered later in the level, you have the option to accept a challenge from him, which opens a teleporter leading to a miniboss fight against Delta himself with the conditions lasting for that fight. In this case, the reward is granted upon defeating Delta. Delta can also appear in HQ, and has some dialogue when spoken to. Delta is occasionally referred to as "The Third" as he is the third contractor, with Nina and Ace most likely being the First and Second respectively.


Main article: 30XX:Smuggler

The Smuggler is a non-playable character who appears in HQ once the Smuggler's Beacon Memory Index entry is unlocked. When spoken to, they will offer the player various items to bring into their next run in exchange for Memoria. When Overclocked, items that have not yet been purchased from the Smuggler may be rerolled for 20 Memoria (or 10 at a higher rank Overclock). She may also appear throughout the run to offer players Scrapbits in exchange for Augs, or vice versa.

Dr. Brighton Sharp and Dr. Arlan Flat

The Doctors from the first game appear as a hologram within Very Safe Laboratories, as well as in a somewhat hidden area of HQ. They have no dialogue, and simply serve to offer the player a choice of two Prototype Augments within levels.