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Gain all Weapons. Lose control over which is equipped. Deal extra damage after a swap.
Type Prototype
Appears on the right side of Very Safe Labs.
Appears once per run.

Autoloader is a Prototype Augment. When obtained, the player will obtain all their character's Primary Weapons, which are then randomly selected. When playing as Nina, the game will randomly choose a combination of 1-3 different weapons, weighted towards 3. Every 10 enemy kills, the player will swap weapons and gain an additively stacking 30% additive damage buff for 3 seconds. If multiple copies of this prototype are acquired, there is no additional effect.

With Prototype Resonator.png Prototype Resonator, the damage buff lasts 6 seconds instead, making it easier to stack.

Collecting System Restore.png System Restore will remove the restriction on equipping Primary Weapons, and stop the player from getting a damage buff and swapping loadouts every 10 kills. The player will be able to keep all Primary Weapons obtained, and can equip whichever ones they please.



  • The damage buff from Autoloader.png Autoloader applies to all attacks, not just primary weapons.
  • The kills required to trigger the loadout swap do not have to be made with primary weapons. It is possible to force a loadout switch by getting 10 kills with Powers or Techniques.
  • Autoloader.png Autoloader is one of the few Prototypes in which System Restore.png System Restore also removes a positive effect - in this case, the damage buff every 10 kills is removed.



  • Early Access 0.54.0: Using Save & Quit with Autoloader no longer results in the player receiving lots of nuts.
  • Unknown Version: Tooltip updated. Previously, it said "Gain all Weapons. Lose control over which is equipped. First attack after a swap deals extra damage.".
  • Early Access 0.39.0:
    • Now correctly prevents the player from equipping and unequipping weapons.
    • Picking up System Restore.png System Restore will now remove Autoloader stacks on the player.
  • Early Access 0.38.0: Released.

Autoloader.png AutoloaderBest Friend.png Best FriendBlue Streak.png Blue StreakBrittle Guard.png Brittle GuardBurn for Glory.png Burn for GloryCharging Force.png Charging ForceConsuming Fury.png Consuming FuryConsuming Habits.png Consuming HabitsConsuming Stamina.png Consuming StaminaContractor Beta.png Contractor BetaCrushing Hysteria.png Crushing HysteriaEarthmetal Plating.png Earthmetal PlatingEdges of Madness.png Edges of MadnessElliecare.png ElliecareFinal Shell.png Final ShellFlaring Hysteria.png Flaring HysteriaFocused Repair.png Focused RepairGears of Industry.png Gears of IndustryGrey Goo.png Grey GooHealing Flair.png Healing FlairKinghealer.png KinghealerKingseeker.png KingseekerMadness Fountain.png Madness FountainMarket Fluctuations.png Market FluctuationsPatchwork Integrator.png Patchwork IntegratorPatchwork Overloader.png Patchwork OverloaderRage Insurance.png Rage InsuranceThe One and Only.png The One and OnlyTick, Tock.png Tick, TockUtilifier MAX.png Utilifier MAXVexing Clover.png Vexing CloverVibrodevourer.png VibrodevourerViolence Enhancer.png Violence EnhancerVital Gambit.png Vital GambitWincing Clover.png Wincing CloverZookeeper's Burden.png Zookeeper's Burden