30XX:Oxjack's Ken

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Oxjack's Ken
Oxjack's Ken.png
Core (Head): Dashing fires a powerful blast!
Type Core Augment
Shop Cost 25 Nuts
Salvage 2 Scrapbits
Equip Cost 2 Core Points
Appears once per run.
Dashbolt Online!

Oxjack's Ken is a core augment. When equipped, it allows the player to fire a powerful blast in front of them whenever they dash, in the direction of the dash. The projectile deals 15 damage, plus 3 times the player's Run Speed stat. Only one blast can be fired per second.

With the Resonant Helmet.png Resonant Helmet, three bolts are fired instead of one.

Equipping every piece of the Oxjack set provides the Ultimate Airdash set bonus, which allows the player to dash two extra times in the air.


  • Oxjack's Blitz.png Oxjack's Blitz: Directional airdash allows the dashbolt to be aimed up or down. Additionally, a shot will always be fired when airdashing, even if the helmet is on cooldown.


  • Early Access 0.55.1: Fixed a bug where the projectile was incredibly slow, and would even stop if the player had no Run Speed stat.
  • Early Access 0.55.0: Projectile speed now scales with Run Speed.
  • Early Access 0.41.0: Fixed a bug where the projectile was incorrectly affected by Utilifier MAX.png Utilifier MAX.
  • Early Access 0.33.0:
    • Updated icon. Previously, it looked like Oxjack's Ken 0.32.png.
    • Can now be upgraded with the Resonant Helmet.png Resonant Helmet.
    • Now triggers a set bonus when every piece of the same set is equipped.
    • Airdashes now bypass the attack cooldown.
  • Early Access 0.18.2: Projectile no longer activates boss invuln frames.
  • Early Access 0.15.10: Fixed a bug where the projectile didn't trigger Penumbra's Mega Void Orbs.
  • Public Demo 1: Released.

Core Augments
Armatort's Dome.png Armatort's DomeArmatort's Shell.png Armatort's ShellArmatort's Pound.png Armatort's PoundArmatort's Momentum.png Armatort's Momentum
Dracopent's Fang.png Dracopent's FangDracopent's Pride.png Dracopent's PrideDracopent's Claw.png Dracopent's ClawDracopent's Bound.png Dracopent's Bound
Owlhawk's Focus.png Owlhawk's FocusOwlhawk's Reign.png Owlhawk's ReignOwlhawk's Talon.png Owlhawk's TalonOwlhawk's Feather.png Owlhawk's Feather
Oxjack's Ken.png Oxjack's KenOxjack's Guile.png Oxjack's GuileOxjack's Fury.png Oxjack's FuryOxjack's Blitz.png Oxjack's Blitz
Vagrant's Sonata.png Vagrant's SonataVagrant's Yearn.png Vagrant's YearnVagrant's Dissonance.png Vagrant's DissonanceVagrant's Waltz.png Vagrant's Waltz
Zookeeper's Command.png Zookeeper's CommandZookeeper's Phalanx.png Zookeeper's PhalanxZookeeper's Wrath.png Zookeeper's WrathZookeeper's March.png Zookeeper's March
Resonant Armor
Resonant Helmet.png Resonant HelmetResonant Chestplate.png Resonant ChestplateResonant Buster.png Resonant BusterResonant Boots.png Resonant Boots