30XX:Burn for Glory (0.26)

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Burn for Glory
Burn for Glory (0.26).png
Fully charged attacks deal 50% increased damage and cost 1 HP.
Type Augment
Appears once per run.
Fuel your rage!

Burn for Glory was an augment. When obtained, using a fully charged or ultra charged attack will cause the attack to deal 1.5x damage, but will also cause the player to lose 1 health. If the player uses a fully charged or ultra charged attack while at 50% or less health, the self-damage will not occur and the attack will deal normal damage.

This augment was later reworked into the Prototype Augment Burn for Glory.png Burn for Glory.



Unused / Removed Items and Content
Potentia.png Potentia • Advanced Repair.png Advanced RepairBurn for Glory (0.26).png Burn for Glory (0.26)File:Reclaimed Spark.png Reclaimed Spark • Kinetic Converter.png Kinetic ConverterMixed Blessing.png Mixed BlessingForce.png ForceSagelens.png SagelensHysteria.png HysteriaCore.png CoreClover.png CloverArchive.png ArchiveGrab Bag.png Grab BagMender.png MenderNutfinder.png NutfinderPowerless.png PowerlessNoodly.png NoodlyOutcast.png OutcastStoic.png StoicDefiant.png DefiantImmaterial.png ImmaterialUncharging.png UnchargingFamished.png FamishedDebilitating.png DebilitatingFragile.png FragilePurifying Waters.png Purifying WatersFresh Moves.png Fresh MovesFinal Bargain.png Final BargainOops! All Refunds.png Oops! All RefundsBlinding Hysteria.png Blinding Hysteria • Defiant Decree.png Defiant Decree • Mobility Repositioner.png Mobility Repositioner • Patchwork Contract.png Patchwork Contract • Purifying.png Purifying • Everfont.png Everfont • Uncharging Force.png Uncharging Force • Thieving.png Thieving • Grooving Pulsar.png Grooving Pulsar • Grazing Harvester.png Grazing Harvester • Olympian.png Olympian • Frost Beam.png Frost Beam • Star Beam.png Star Beam • Autocompleter.png Autocompleter • File:Riotous Bulwark.png Riotous Bulwark • File:Glorious Production.png Glorious Production • File:Unspeakable Act.png Unspeakable Act