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A cyberfunk wonderland that remains part of the Network through sheer inertia. Well-lived-in by ancient threats, and a Guardian that's probably not taking his duties very seriously.

Deepverse is a zone in 30XX. It takes the form of a digital cyberspace with a large data centre in the background.


Object Description
Arrow Platform Launches itself in the indicated direction whenever a player lands on it. The platform will damage enemies it bumps into for 100 damage. The platform will disappear after a set duration, or if the platform collides with something.
Laser Platform Timing-based platform which periodically appears and disappears. Can only be jumped on while solid - else you'll go right through it.
Glitch Arc Creates a wave of glitch projectiles between the spawner and the destination, creating an arcing periodic hazard for players to avoid. Touching the glitch projectiles will damage the player for 1 Projectile damage.
Bolt Pair A stationary hazard. Touching the lasers will damage the player for 1 Hazard damage, but does not prevent them from moving through (so long as they resist the knockback). Boltpairs can also be set to toggle on and off at variable intervals.
Wall Laser Periodically spawns a wall-mounted laser at the specified position, which moves to the destination and then disappears. Walls block its beam.
Lava A liquid hazard. Falling into lava will damage the player for 1 Hazard damage, and respawn them on the last safe spot they were on.



(Gonna replace this section with bigger, centre-aligned images of the boss and miniboss once I get everything set up, this'll do for NOW)



Main article: Deepverse/Datalore
