20XX:Force Nova

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Force Nova
Force Nova (20XX).png
Release a shockwave, crushing foes and blocking shots!
Type Power
Can be used by all characters.
3.0x Power Strength
0.75x Power Strength (Eternal Star's Flapp Explosion)
1 Energy Cost

Force Nova is a Power for all characters, acquired after defeating Vile Visage. Using it will release a shockwave in a circle around the user, erasing most projectiles and dealing damage to any enemy caught in the blast.

If used on the Boltpair laser emitters from Skytemple, they will be completely destroyed, preventing them from firing the laser.

When used on the Flapps summoned by Eternal Star, they will explode, damaging any nearby enemy and bypassing boss invulnerability frames. This explosion will also chain to other nearby Flapps, resulting in significant damage if lots of Flapps are summoned at once.

With the Owlhawk Set Bonus, any enemy killed by the shockwave will now explode with a Force Nova shockwave of their own. These shockwaves can also cause other enemies to explode, causing a chain reaction if many enemies are killed at once.
