30XX:Capital Punishment

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Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment.png
Location Dustria
Power (Nina) Jagged Bolt.png Jagged Bolt
Technique (Ace) Ryuusei.png Ryuusei

Capital Punishment is the CEO, boss, and very punchy Guardian of Dustria. Upon defeat, he drops Jagged Bolt.png Jagged Bolt for Nina, or Ryuusei.png Ryuusei for Ace.


Capital Punishment is armed with three gigantic, rocket-powered fists that he uses to attack the player from a distance. He can either attack the player from above using these fists (indicated by red ! marks on the floor indicating where the punches will land), punch the walls in front of him (again, indicated by red ! marks), or summon the fists to himself and have them orbit him as he crashes and bounces all around the arena for a short time. While the fists glow blue, they will deal contact damage to the player. In case the fact that it's literally trying to punch you isn't enough indication.

After about three rounds of punches (or about five seconds in his orbiting fist attack), the fists will go dormant for a short while, turning them into platforms that the player can climb to reach Capital Punishment and damage him. During this downtime, Capital Punishment will try to attack the player himself, either doing so by casting two Jagged Bolts to either side of himself that chase the player downward, or by firing a spread of three lasers aimed directly at the player. After about 5-10 seconds in this downtime phase, Capital Punishment will summon the fists back to him and resume his relentless punching.

Once Capital Punishment drops below about 50% HP, his fists will become powered up, glowing yellow instead of blue during attacks. While a fist is glowing yellow, if it collides with a surface it will create sparks to both sides of the impact of the punch. These sparks will travel along the walls of the arena, making climbing up to the boss a bit more difficult.


Although usually invulnerable, Capital Punishment's fists can be damaged by the Exploding Barrels that spawn on the bottom of the arena, by Nina's Zen Mortar.png Zen Mortar (dropped from Zen Primus), or by Ace's Leviathan.png Leviathan (dropped from Experiment 9).

Any attack that pierces enemies (for example, Nina's Wave Beam) can go through the fists and damage Capital Punishment even when he would otherwise be protected by them. Also, good placement of Ace's Void Double (dropped from Absolution) can accomplish the same effect.