30XX:Burning Temple

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Burning Temple
Burning Temple.png
Home of the Eternal Flame, filling the Sequence Devoted with a quiet fervor. Remarkably burn-mark free, given all the fire.

Burning Temple is a zone in 30XX. True to its name, it is a Japanese-style temple which has been engulfed in flames. This level has an alternate lava-filled form with a differently acting mini-boss.


Object Description
Conveyor Belt Conveniently moves players and enemies from one end to the other automatically. Great for getting yourself pushed into lava without having to press any buttons. Conveyor direction is variable.
Linear Platform A platform which moves back and forth horizontally, forever. It stops for some time at the edges of its movement before reversing direction. When level editing, suggest using decorations that make the ends of its movement clear. Destination, platform size and platform speed is variable.
Fire Shooter A stationary turret which shoots fireballs forwards on a set interval. Touching the fireballs will damage the player for 1 Projectile damage. Spawn rate and firing frequency are variable.
Flame Animated stationary fire. Touching the fire will damage the player for 1 Hazard damage, but does not prevent them from moving through (so long as they resist the knockback).
Lava Adjustable red rectangle of destruction. Never moves, no matter how hard it tries. It doesn't try very hard, though. Falling into lava will damage the player for 1 Hazard damage, and respawn them on the last safe spot they were on.



(Gonna replace this section with bigger, centre-aligned images of the boss and miniboss once I get everything set up, this'll do for NOW)




  • Burning Temple is heavily based on Agnisort from 20XX, with many of the same enemies, level gimmicks and hazards. The miniboss even appears to be loosely based on Rollster Beta.
  • Sometimes, there will be an opening in the right wall that leads to a sea of lava. Crossing the lava with Crystal Guide will eventually reveal a lone island with nothing on it, right next to an invisible barrier.


  • Early Access 0.49.0:
    • All Burning Temple enemies can now be ignited by flames from any source within the stage.
    • Added the Zen Disciple and Shield Statue enemies.
  • Public Demo 4: Now available again.
  • Public Demo 3: Temporarily made unavailable.
  • Public Demo 1: Released.