30XX:Eleanor, the Architect

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Eleanor, the Architect
Eleanor, the Architect.png
Location Aspera

Eleanor, the Architect is the main antagonist of the game, and serves as the boss of Aspera. Upon defeat, she will drop a considerable chunk of Memoria.png Memoria, but nothing else. When defeated for the first time, she will also drop the Blueprint- Reversal Device.png Blueprint: Reversal Device.


At the start of the boss fight, Eleanor will absorb the Powers from each of the player's defeated bosses. The Powers she absorbs is related the the order of which the player defeated them - the first 5 bosses defeated will form Eleanor's standard attacks, while the final three bosses defeated will form her ultimate attacks.

Standard Attacks

Eleanor will use five of these attacks throughout the fight, using attacks from the first five bosses the player defeated in their run.

  • Zen Primus: A shield generator will be summoned, greatly reducing the damage Eleanor takes. The shield statue can be destroyed, but will be re-summoned after some time has passed.
  • Echobeast: Eleanor will fire a spread of 7 crystals upwards, which will arc back down.
  • Lethal Tempo: Eleanor will fire (two?) spreads of gears at the player, one of 5 gears, and one of 4. (to do: more details)
  • Hoot Omega: Three vertical tornadoes will be summoned around the player, which linger for a little while.
  • Absolution: Two voids will be summoned in random locations. Both the voids and Eleanor will then fire a laser beam at the player, followed by multiple split beams which surround the player.
  • Legacy: ???
  • Capital Punishment: Eleanor will summon a giant fist and charge at the player directly.
  • Experiment 9: Eleanor charges diagonally, leaving a trail of bombs behind, similar to those used by the Head Guardian.

Ultimate Attacks

Upon losing each quarter of her health bar, Eleanor will use one of her three ultimate attacks, which typically linger on the battlefield during her other attacks. In the last quarter of Eleanor's health bar, all three ultimates should be active at once.

  • Zen Primus: Fireballs will occasionally be summoned and will move from the walls and ceiling through the room.
  • Echobeast: Two of the bouncing diagonal projectiles get summoned.
  • Lethal Tempo: A giant sawblade will appear in the middle of the arena and will linger for the rest of the fight, preventing the player from using the middle platform without taking damage.
  • Hoot Omega: Lightning rain will be summoned, and will continue for the rest of the fight.
  • Absolution: Two giant scythes will appear on opposite ends of the arena. They will move along the walls in an anti-clockwise direction, and will deal damage to the player when touched.
  • Legacy: ???
  • Capital Punishment: A giant fist will be summoned which will charge at the player diagonally. Fists will continue to be summoned throughout the fight.
  • Experiment 9: A blue clone of Experiment 9 will be summoned on the ceiling. Every (?) seconds, the clone will jump at the player, swapping between the floor and ceiling in the process.


  • Consider the order you fight the main 8 bosses in when preparing for Eleanor, as some attacks are easier to dodge than others.
  • Abilities which let you move through hazards (like Laurent.png Laurent's Unleash or File:Crushing Slam.png Crushing Slam) will help immensely when dealing with the Absolution lasers, as they will often cover large sections of the arena.