20XX:Seeking Striker

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Seeking Striker
Seeking Striker (20XX).png
Locates your enemies, then blows them up!
Type Power
Can only be used by Hawk.
2.5x Power Strength
0.5 Energy Cost

Seeking Striker is a Power for Hawk, acquired from Diamond Chests. It fires a missile which takes a small moment to arm itself, then rotates and flies towards the nearest enemy. If the nearest enemy is behind a wall, the missile will hit the wall instead. While it auto-aims when fired, Seeking Striker does not possess true homing and flies straight once it starts moving, so it often misses moving targets. If there is no enemy to target, the missile will slowly move down to the ground before exploding.

With the Owlhawk Set Bonus, four missiles are fired at a time, each dealing standard damage.

If playing as Autumn, Seeking Striker is instead one of the four Powers which have a 50% chance to replace the boss' Power, as Diamond Chests do not appear when playing as a Revenant.


  • Seeking Striker (20XX).png Seeking Striker also makes an appearance in 30XX as File:Seeking Striker.png Seeking Striker. In the sequel, its homing abilites are greatly improved, but the damage is reduced somewhat.
  • Seeking Striker is often seen as the worst Power in the game, as the poor homing ability, middling damage and slow projectile speed make it inferior to even the Protorifle (20XX).png Protorifle.