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Protorifle (20XX).png
Fires inefficiently, slowly, and badly.
Type Power
Can only be used by Hawk.
0.7x Power Strength
0.42x Power Strength (VS Bosses)
0.25 Energy Cost

Protorifle is a Power for Hawk, which she has from the start. It rapidly fires a somewhat innacurate spray of bullets forwards in a similar manner to Vera (20XX).png Vera. Protorifle fires only 8 times per second in comparison, but allows Hawk to attack at range. Shots fired by this weapon do not trigger boss invulnerability frames, but deal reduced damage to bosses. Unlike Vera (20XX).png Vera, Protorifle cannot be aimed.

With the Owlhawk Set Bonus, it becomes a rapid-fire shotgun with 5 shots per burst. It still fires 8 times per second, and the individual projectile damage is halved.