30XX:Entropy Conditions

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Entropy Conditions are optional modifiers which can be activated to increase the difficulty of the game. By increasing entropy and completing a run, the player can obtain Titan Shards which can overclock the Memory Index upgrades! (You can only obtain Titan Shards once for each level, and with a higher level than the previous.)

Unlike 20XX's Skulls, Entropy Conditions have multiple ranks per modifier, allowing for more precise tweaking of the game's difficulty.

List of Entropy Conditions

Entropy Condition Max Rank Ingame Description Notes
Pilgrimage.png Pilgrimage 2 All levels are longer. Prepare for the longest journey. Does not contribute to Entropy Level. Only certain phases increase in length. Some phases only get longer at Rank 2.
Cursed Wounds.png Cursed Wounds 4 Sources of healing are less effective. 4 ranks (-25%, -50%, -75%, -100%). Also decreases the chances that Dracopent's Pride.png Dracopent's Pride and Owlhawk's Reign.png Owlhawk's Reign triggers on kill.
Hyperinflation.png Hyperinflation 2 Item costs wildly increased. +50% shop costs per rank.
Still Waters.png Still Waters 2 Cores and Powers can't be changed mid-level. R2: Power Fusions are rare and permanent. Taking damage removes all Style. Rank 2 increases the Entropy Level by 2 points.
Sacred Spines.png Sacred Spines 3 Spikes, pits, spike-like things, lasers, and lava (of any color) deal extra damage (30/60/9999). Remember your ancestors.
Imminent Rapture.png Imminent Rapture 2 When the timer runs out, you'll be poisoned until you die. Time shortened by 20% per additional rank.
Zealot's Fervor.png Zealot's Fervor 2 Enemies act much faster. Can you break their technique?
Zealot's Wrath.png Zealot's Wrath 6 Enemies deal more damage (+5 per rank). You've never looked so frail.
Divine Construction.png Faithmetal Flock 5 Enemies gain +30% HP per rank, based on difficulty variant. 5 ranks.
Eye for an Eye.png Eye for an Eye 1 Enemies retaliate when slain. Enemies launch a Crystal Elemental projectile at the player when slain.
File:Endless Endeavor.png Endless Endeavor 1 The journey doesn't end until you do. (WARNING: Not well-tested. May crash at high levels. Not worth Entropy.) At Level 8, players can choose to continue with a single randomly chosen stage, or "Break the Cycle" and continue to Aspera to end the run.
Every 8 levels, enemy health and player damage taken increases according to the Fibonacci sequence. (1x, 2x, 3x, 5x, 8x, 13x...)
Not available on the Nintendo Switch version.
Rising Tide.png Rising Tide 3 Increases zone generation level by +2 per rank. Use if "Starting at Level 7" sounds fun. You're going to die a lot.
Destined Path.png Destined Path 1 Reduces level selection choices. Your fate is written. Only one teleporter will be available at the end of each stage.
Powerless Void.png Powerless Void 3 Later stages won't offer Power rewards at the end. 3 ranks (-3, -5, -8). Rank 3 does not increase the Entropy Level over Rank 2.
Divine Construction (Boss).png Divine Construction 4 Bosses gain +50% HP per rank. 4 ranks.
Exalted Defenders.png Exalted Defenders 2 Enemies are likely to spawn as tougher variants. (25%, 50%)
File:Asceticism.png Asceticism 2 Rank 1: Resonators do not spawn. Rank 2: Cores do not spawn. Worth 2 Entropy. Both ranks are worth 2 Entropy Level each.
At Rank 1, Gauntlets will not appear.
At Rank 2, Glory Zones will offer a choice of 3 augments, instead of 2 cores and an augment.
File:Twisted Glory.png Twisted Glory 1 Deadly challenges await in Glory Zones and Contemplation Rooms. The extra challenge is visible on the Glory Zone before entering.
File:Fragile Drive.png Fragile Drive 2 Taking damage reduces damage output by 50%/90% for 3 seconds.

Version History

  • Release 1.1.00: Added four new Entropy Conditions: Endless Endeavor, Asceticism, Twisted Glory and Fragile Drive.
  • Early Access 0.47.0: Zealot's Wrath given 6 ranks (up from 4), increasing damage taken from enemies by 5 per rank. Previously, it was 4 ranks increasing damage taken from enemies by 10 per rank.
  • Early Access 0.45.0:
    • Cursed Wounds given 4 ranks that reduce healing chances by 25% per rank; previously, it was 2 ranks and -50% per rank.
    • Faithmetal Flock now increases enemy HP by 30% per rank, and now has 5 ranks. Previously, it had 4 ranks and increased enemy HP varying with enemy rank (+20% for Alpha, +35% for Beta and +50% per Gamma).
  • Early Access 0.38.0:
    • Introduced the Entropy Conditions Cursed Wounds, Still Waters, Zealot's Fervor, Eye for an Eye, Destined Path, and Exalted Defenders.
    • Divine Construction has now been split into to two separate Entropy Conditions, Faithmetal Flock for enemies and Divine Construction for bosses; previously, only Divine Construction existed and boosted all enemy and boss HP by 50% per rank.
    • Introduced a new metacurrency called Titan Shard.png Titan Shards, obtained from first-time clears at a new highest Entropy Level, allowing the player to overclock Memory Index upgrades past their usual max rank.
  • Public Demo 1: Introduced.