30XX:Version History/0.21

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0.21 introduced Daily and Weekly Challenges to 30XX, along with their respective Leaderboards and Challenge Flavours. Additionally, some Powers now interact with level mechanics.


Release: 23rd of June, 2021

  • Daily and Weekly challenges are now live!
    • Daily Challenges can be played once per day - you've only got one shot with today's ruleset, and that's it. You'll get points for destroying enemies and beating bosses, and after each level, you'll receive bonuses for avoiding damage (the "efficiency bonus") and for time remaining on your timer. When the run's over, your score'll be uploaded to today's Leaderboard - and if you finished the run, your time will be entered, too. (Some folks gotta go fast.)
    • Weekly Challenges reset every Wednesday (in the wee hours of the morning in the US), and can be played as many times as you like. If you get a better score or a faster time, it'll update your Leaderboard scores.
    • Both kinds of Challenges shake up the base difficulty a bit by giving you a special Challenge Boon for the run, and turning on a few Entropy Conditions to keep the run spicy. Our intent is that Challenges are overall similar in difficulty to full base runs on average - though some will certainly be easier, and some harder. Permanent upgrades are locked to a fixed set in Challenges, as well (so they'll naturally be a bit tougher for most players).
    • Challenges are only available in Standard Mode - at least for the time being. All Challenges have a fixed RNG seed - this means all players trying a given Challenge will see the same level order, items within a level, and so on. They can be played solo or co-op (locally or online), and solo & co-op play have separate seeds & leaderboards. (If you play the Daily alone, you can play the co-op Daily later with a friend, and vice versa.)
    • Note: Some enemies intentionally do not grant score. At present, these include most boss summons, Highvault Tornado Machines, and Penumbra Void Orbs/Megavoids.
  • Lasers with a warning duration now have an appropriate "tell" visual instead of a full beam that just doesn't hurt you for a moment.
  • Added some eyes on Absolution's Phase 2 enemies so they're a little more "shoot me!" obvious. Tightened up the timings on this phase - after destroying one, the next in the sequence will now appear after a fixed amount of time instead of running its activation timer out first.
  • Absolution's void circles now last 20 seconds (down from 30). They can now also be destroyed by certain Powers.
  • Rerolling Weapon drops now properly rerolls into a new Weapon (instead of into a Core).
  • Updated explosion effects. Moved explosion effects *behind* enemies, the player, and projectiles. Let us know what you think! The ordering should have been that way all along for visual clarity's sake, but there are probably a few places it looks a little weird.
  • Echocave's Crystal Shooter twins will no longer warp into solid objects.
  • Updated Frail Glory visuals. Frail Glory now also explodes if the crown touches lava. It's frail, after all.
  • The Pause screen now properly displays information on the current level, as well as any active Challenge Boons or Entropy Conditions.
  • Added a warning blink when Deepverse's Laser Platforms are about to disappear.
  • Added a new animation for Highvault's Jump Zones that should make it much clearer that the player can jump again.
  • Updated Deepverse miniboss visuals.
  • Updated Raijin Call bolt visual.
  • Attacks that immune against an enemy (shielded enemies, invulnerable enemies) now properly display a "blocked" animation.
  • (Experimental) Sound Alarms in Echocave now display attack blocks (and destroy non-piercing projectiles) instead of shots just passing through them without effect. Additionally, Sound Alarms can now be destroyed by a certain Nina Power.
  • Fixed a minor visual error with Deepverse Boltpairs that stay on permanently.


Release: 23rd of June, 2021

  • Fixed a bug where Ace could occasionally get locked into animations, notably when switching from Nina to Ace.
  • Fixed a bug where vertical laser platforms in Deepverse would rapidly flash and create a weird white visual strobing effect.
  • Attempted to fix a bug where Salvaging and Rerolling items in Challenge Mode would result in different items in every run.


Release: 24th of June, 2021

  • Fixed a bug where in online multiplayer, Player 2's game would crash whenever an explosion happens.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies in Challenge Mode would only give 1 point when defeated - now score is correctly based on the enemy's HP pool.


Release: 24th of June, 2021

  • Fixed some issues with Challenge Mode synchronisation. Weapon drops are still not synchronised.
  • Fixed an issue where Void Double would stay active for much longer than intended.


Release: 25th of June, 2021

  • Fixed a bug where Weekly Challenge completions were being sent to the wrong leaderboard.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies which had less than 20 HP would not grant any points in Challenge Mode - they now grant 1 point.


Release: 28th of June, 2021

  • Fixed a bug where the game would not run on Windows 7.