30XX:Unused Content

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Placeholder.png This is a work in progress!

30XX is an Early Access game in active development. As such, some amount of content has been reworked, removed, or gone entirely unimplemented.

This page is meant to document unused and cut content over the course of Early Access: assets, prerelease content, scrapped and reworked mechanics, early music tracks, and other changes.


Unused Graphics


In data/SpriteExports/npc there exists a set of files related to NPCs and cutscenes. Of these, only Alexia and Dally are used. The third NPC, Eleanor, is never seen in-game, but is referenced at several points throughout.

Three other spritesheets exist in this folder, likely part of the currently-unused VHS system:

  • beauty.png, a spritesheet for what appears to be some kind of automatic easel
  • communicator.png, a spritesheet for an odd device with a communication dish mounted on top
  • ramen.png, a single frame of a bowl of ramen.

Boss animations

Multiple bosses had complete assets made for actions they were planned to be able to perform. However, for one reason or another, these animations didn't make the cut.

Hoot Omega
Experiment 9

Osafune "warp" animation

Alternate Highvault Peak background

Memory Index hologram pulse

Beta Bats



Ace Charge Ball

In the folder for Ace's sprites, there is an unused spritesheet titled acechargeball.png. It was added before Early Access launch, so its purpose is unknown. However, it's possible that it was meant to act similarly to 20XX's Dracocharges, given the filename and the mechanical similarities between Dracocharges and the Style system of the time.

Removed Graphics

20XX Nina & Ace spritesheets

0.15.2 pickups & chests

Pre-Watergrav core icons

Early Murderdrone

Initially, the augment sprite for Murderdrone was identical to the Murderdrone icon from 20XX. However, when obtained, the Repro itself fit the 30XX art style, though it was somewhat different to the Murderdrone of today and was rotated 90 degrees horizontally, firing from its side.

Early Echobeast

Echobeast has had his colours change multiple times throughout the game's development. (Can someone who *isn't colourblind* actually describe the colours for me)


Unused Augs

Core Widener

Grazing Harvester

Meganut (technically used)



Main article: Thieving


Main article: Purifying

Clockzone repro

"Wish" Augs

Scrooge, the Everflowing

Removed Augs

Kinetic Converter

Main article: Kinetic Converter



Early stage themes

High Fidelity (The Upside Drown)


Fires of Industry

Themes with truncated intros



Other unused music




Removed Dialogue

"I don't have much to say yet."

(touch on pre-0.36 speech balloons)

VCR Cutscenes

The VCR is a planned feature that would allow the player to watch cutscenes on VHS tapes, providing context for the game. While significant progress was made on it and there are clear signs of it having been implemented at one point, it had been made inaccessible by the time 30XX launched in Early Access, and it remains inaccessible to this day. Notably, assets were made for VHS tape pickups shortly after launch, but those have likewise remained unused. While the future of the VCR is unclear, it has not been confirmed to be scrapped.

Of the planned cutscenes, only The Communicator, The Beauty Projector, and Shaped Like a Friend have choreography files, dialogue, and assets associated with them.

The Communicator

Deep in Labhome, Eleanor tinkers into the night on some kind of communicator.

[The cutscene takes place in tmx/highvault/std/lab_scene.30lv. Eleanor is tinkering with an odd device with a dish mounted on top. Sparks fly out of the machine as she tinkers with it.]

ELEANOR: Carry the one, multiply the result by Sigma, aaaand...

[Sparks fly out of the machine once again. After a few seconds, a screen on the machine lights up.]

ELEANOR: It's going, but... to where? What am I missing?

[Alexia arrives with a bowl of ramen. She sets it down in front of Eleanor.]

ALEXIA: Hypothesis! You look like a woman who could use a snack.

ELEANOR: Well, at least one of us is right about something today.

(Note: Eleanor was at one point intended to slurp the ramen with the text "*nom nom nom*", but that part of the choreography file has been commented out.)

ALEXIA: Any luck?

[Eleanor brightens.]

ELEANOR: The sending channel is operational...

[Eleanor un-brightens.]

ELEANOR: ... but I have no idea where our signal is being sent.

ALEXIA: That doesn't seem great.

ELEANOR: Like everything in science, "it depends."

ALEXIA: In this case, it depends on who -- or what -- might be listening.

[Eleanor laughs.]

ALEXIA: Sounds safe.

ELEANOR: If anyone's out there, we've got to find them. Or make them find us. Same difference. Physics is all about relative motion, anyway.

ALEXIA: Well, holler if you awaken an eldritch being from a slumber beyond sleep. [She begins to leave.] Maybe it'll want to come over for tea.

[Alexia leaves the scene. Eleanor continues to tinker with the machine.]

The Beauty Projector

Alexia perfects her latest, greatest invention.

[The cutscene takes place in tmx/highvault/std/lab_scene.30lv. Alexia is tinkering with some kind of machine. Eleanor has a cup of coffee.]

ALEXIA: That should do the trick!

[Eleanor takes a sip of the coffee.]

ALEXIA: Ellie, come see!

[Eleanor is still drinking coffee.]


[Eleanor walks over to Alexia, coffee mug in hand.]

ELEANOR: Okay, okay. What couldn't wait until after coffee?

ALEXIA: My greatest creation yet - the ultimate fusion of art and bleeding-edge technology.

[Alexia unveils what appears to be some kind of automatic easel.]


[Alexia turns the machine on. It is unclear what exactly what happens with the machine here, but it's safe to assume it malfunctions. Alexia looks embarrassed. Eleanor spits out her coffee and laughs.]

ELEANOR: It's perfect.

[Alexia smiles.]

Shaped Like a Friend

The gang gets a new friend.

[The cutscene takes place in tmx/highvault/std/lab_scene.30lv. Eleanor brings a new invention to Alexia.]

ALEXIA: Another day, another great invention. Today, you're working on...?

ALEXIA: It's a ball? You made a ball.

ELEANOR: It's not a ball, Alexia. [She hands the invention to Alexia.]

ALEXIA: ...seems kinda unsafe to play with that indoors...

ELEANOR (embarrassed): ...

ALEXIA: ...guess I've always wanted a ball...

ELEANOR: Alexia.


[The invention activates. The ball unfurls into a familiar, screen-faced robo-cat.]


[Alexia reaches for Dally. Dally happily flies into her arms.]

ELEANOR: Alexia, meet Dally.

DALLY: *purr*

ELEANOR (smiling): I thought we could use a little company.


DALLY: *purrrrrrr*

Other planned cutscenes

The remaining cutscenes have no information or assets associated with them other than their titles, order, and descriptions.

  • MCTV: Eleanor's Communicator tech is put to good use. (This was likely meant to take place between The Beauty Projector and Shaped Like a Friend.)
  • Overload: Eleanor struggles to get things done.
  • Separation: Alexia and Eleanor disagree.
  • A Paw to Cry On: Alexia takes time to heal. A new hope emerges.
  • A New Hope: Alexia does a mission. (This was likely meant to take place before or simultaneously with the tutorial cutscene.)

Gameplay Mechanics

Ace's Energy system


The Style system was Ace's original energy system when 30XX launched in Early Access 0.15.2. Under this system, all of Ace's Techniques cost 1 energy (10 post-0.35) and Ace's Max NRG was constantly kept at 2 (20 post-0.35); however, Ace would passively regenerate energy. Any changes to Max NRG would instead affect NRG regeneration speed. This system was ultimately scrapped due to the fact that the cooldown for each Technique was only slightly longer than the base regeneration rate, making power-focused items effectively useless on Ace.


Rather than nerfing the Style regeneration rate, the Style system was replaced altogether by Surges. Ace's Max NRG was no longer fixed at 2, and could be affected with energy upgrades the same way as Nina. All of Ace's Techniques were made free, but many of them were given much stronger variants- Surges- that could be activated by double-tapping (and later, holding) the combo for that Technique. Surges cost around 2 energy to cast. Exactly why this system was removed was unclear, but many of Ace's techniques didn't mesh well with the system to begin with, and the dev team believed that there were better ways for Ace to interact with the game's energy systems.

Pre-0.35 Power Fusions

Pre-0.37 Metaprogression & Potentia

Energy Pickups






Mega Mode

20XX Leftovers

20XX Powers

20XX Assets

20XX Dialogue