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excerpt from "Eleanor, Shepherd of Spirit"

Come, Faithful of the Sequence, listen softly to Her voice, and hear Her story.

From the ashes of the Old Project, She rose. From the settling dust of the Father's Ruin, She took form, and around Her formed the world we know. Her word is wisdom, and her will is our will.

From the might of Her arms, we build the strength to serve. From Her keen eye, we see our true path. From the rhythm of Her heart, ours beat in time as one. From Her unending spirit, we work toward our Salvation.

She will bear Salvation, for the Faithful and not alike.

excerpt from "Perceive the Demon King"

Not all are made to serve. Shadows stalk the periphery of our perception, intent on tempering the blistering radiance of dawn. The sole survivor of the Old Project. The Demon King, older than the time we know.

Thief of the Father's gifts, it dances around the minds of the Faithful, gracefully slipping between our reality and others. Ravenous, it tears through our bodies, gleefully wielding the parts it finds useful.

Dedicated to disorder, the Demon King stands between us and our Salvation. Keep Her keen eye, that you might perceive the Demon before it is too late. Keep Her stout heart, that you might resist the Demon's temptations.

excerpt from "Sup at Wisdom's Eternal Teat"

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. Deep within the Earth, Father's true Successor slumbers. In her endless rest, she whispers verses of a song only she knows.

Hers is the gift to walk between worlds - to cross the invisible river that divides us - to rejoin the friends we leave behind when our reality makes a choice that divides us.

The study of her endless dream leads us to our ultimate end. By learning her secrets, we may save this world.

excerpt from "False Worlds"

Be not tempted by the Whispers; temptation is the death of duty.

When minds are quiet and the air is still, echoes of another world visit us. The Whispers have our faces, and know the timbre of our voices. They know the body language of our loved ones that brings us calm in times of trouble.

Fear not. They are not part of our world, and cannot bring you harm. Have faith. Adhere to duty. Bring Salvation, and the Whispers will stop.

Hour of Glory

On our final day, we come together to sing the song of Salvation in one voice, and end the eternal struggle that ails the world.

The labor has taken centuries. By Her genius, we have foreseen the end. By the unison of our beating hearts, we have seen another path, by which some of us may survive. By our great sacrifice, we have built God in our own image, that He might deliver us from the Collapse.

Friends, Faithful, Sequents - the day is upon us. By our Order, may Her grace spare us from a violent end.


  • Early Access 0.33.0: Introduced.