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Production Summary: Jan 1, 2200

Overall Production Line Uptime: 98%
Blaster Units produced: 465,332
Defect Rate: 0%
Notes: Simple to manufacture. Blasters have been produced at our plant as home security devices for half a century, and our yield rates and zero-defect rate reflect our assembly line learnings in that time.

Snomp Units produced: 213,595
Defect Rate: 2%
Notes: Complicated assembly and an ever-changing Unit design makes these a little less reliable than I'd like. QA department required for safe shipment & verification.

Project Units attempted: 3,854
Defect Rate: 100%
Notes: The Corp keeps having us try slightly different models of these - to date, we haven't produced a single one that works, but the higher ups haven't complained or changed production orders.

Production Realignment: Jan 1, 2400

Abandoned facililty requisitioned for Sequence use. Orders from on high demand the production of a "Midgard Segment" - She's sent down the blueprints, but we're scratching our heads trying to figure out what the heck this thing is.

A "Midgard Segment" appears to be a giant metal shell, covered in networking equipment and something called "resonant crystal", which we're assuming they'll send down separately. The blueprints don't call for any kind of propulsion device, so it doesn't seem like it's a spacecraft.

The design blueprint spans thousands of pages. Fabrication and assembly call for tens of billions of tons of material - far more than we have available here. Even if we had the material, it'd take us several hundred years to build.

Her word is absolute. She tells us to build, and so we build.

Production Musings: June 15, 2400

We've started building the Segment, despite not knowing what it is. We've managed to automate most of the initial fabrication of the Segment's components, and it seems like all we do now is spend our time wondering what this thing is for. 

I think we've done a really great job at figuring out what this thing isn't. It doesn't have any propulsion on board - it doesn't appear to be spaceworthy. Nothing in the schematic details anything about life support systems, so unless they're planning on adding them post-assembly, it doesn't seem like it's meant to hold living things - so it's probably not a fancy bomb shelter.

It's shaped kind of like a bowling ball, but it's probably not that - it doesn't look like it'll roll very smoothly. Besides that, the Segment is so heavy that if you managed to drop it onto the Earth from any significant height, it'd be much more likely to just punch partway through it than actually roll.

The acoustics in there are probably going to be killer - maybe it's a giant recording studio. Anyway, Segment production is 0.16% complete. Are we heretics for pondering the inner nature of Her divine plan?

Production Woes: February 10, 2501

Segment production is approximately 30% complete. Management has been remarkably reliable about delivering required materials in a timely fashion. Our noble work continues, unhindered.

They've begun to deliver 23rd century Gravfield technology for use in interior construction - based on the field layout, it looks like they're trying to combine both reversal Gravfields and restorative Gravfields to create an oscillating field that could keep an object afloat indefinitely. This Segment must be spacebound, after all. But why isn't there any life support in the design?

Working with the Gravfields has proved painful. They don't appear to be toggle-able, so our team has to use extreme caution when mounting field projectors. Recommend all assembly personnel working with Gravfields be equipped with personal propulsion devices in case of accidental exposure to negative Gravfield - at least then they'll have a fighting chance to reach a restorative field before being rocketed into the facility ceiling. Your devotion to the Sequence will never be forgotten, James.

Production Summary: March 13, 3004

We've completed production of our Segment, and begun moving it to the Spire. 

With our noble vision realized, we return to our previous task. The Successor comes, and with her, the potential to tear down everything we've labored over these past few centuries.

With Her project in motion, it falls to us to protect Her until it is complete. Let's get to work!


  • Early Access 0.33.0: Introduced.