30XX:Version History/0.17

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0.17 introduced two new main features: Prototype Augments and powerful Beta forms of enemies which appear later into a run.


Release: 31st of March, 2021

Main Game

  • Added Prototype Augs! They're unlocked by a new entry in the Memory Index.
    • Prototype Augs in 30XX combine a blessing and a curse into one item, forcing the player to decide whether the total package is worth the risk involved.
  • Added Beta forms for most enemies! Betas are generally tougher than normal foes, and have more aggressive/dangerous behaviors. Some Betas also deal extra touch damage or create 2-damage projectiles.
    • Many of the Beta form colorings are a work in progress!
  • Reduced the number of nuts spewed out by minibosses and some Chest types.
    • Our goal is to keep currency feeling like a resource that enables the player to make smart choices in shops - prior to this change, it was too easy to have All The Nuts All The Time, which gets boring. Having tested this a bit on our end, we may need to go further here, but we didn't want to make too severe a change in one step.
  • Reduced Salvager scaling. (Some items now salvage for less.)
    • The stats granted by Salvaging augs was a bit too strong - we want Salvaging to feel like a good way to get stats you're really hungry for, or an alternate way to get value out of an Aug that doesn't fit your build.
  • Advanced Repair Kit shop cost increased to 25 (from 15). It's still probably too powerful, but this'll make it a little less likely to show up early and be an auto-buy for the player.
  • Increased Crystal Shooter HP (Echocave Miniboss).
  • Disabled Rite of Rebeginning in Mega Mode. (A "once per run" HP refresh doesn't make as much sense in MM - let us know what you think here - we may bring it back and tweak it.)
  • Increased shop spawn rate a bit.
  • Lara (Ace weapon) now costs 3 CP to use (up from 0).
    • Lara's too powerful - we're looking at ways to make it a little costlier to use instead of nerfing it outright. (We may make it scale less well with stats next.)
  • Armatort's Dome (head core) now costs 3 CP to use (up from 2).
  • Owlhawk's Focus (head core) now costs 3 CP to use (up from 2).
  • Oxjack's Blitz (boots core) now costs 4 CP to use (down from 5).
  • Added an information screen before starting the game in Wild West Maker Mode.
  • Added the ability to downvote chunks in Wild West Maker Mode. (This behaves just like skipping it, so don't worry if you want to downvote a chunk you've just skipped - it's already done.)
  • In Wild West Maker Mode, the "skip" function (hold Interact for two seconds) now takes the player to the beginning of the next chunk if possible (instead of the end of the current chunk) in case an impossible chunk is uploaded.
  • The 30XX OST has been updated with today's new Editor music tracks.
  • Fixed a bug that'd let you spend rerolls on health drops if you were at full HP.
  • Fixed a 0.16.4 crash caused by charging up Crystal Wave.
  • Fixed SFX for several charged Powers.


  • Added music to the Editor. These are smooth, "loungy" remixes of the main game's music. By default, the background music depends on the level theme of the chunk you're editing, but you can set it to play a medley of all themes as well.
  • Added sound effects to various Editor and UI actions.
  • To accompany the above additions, you can change the Music and Sound volumes in the Settings menu.
  • Implemented a "Hot" sort in the Chunk Catalog, which displays recent high-quality chunks.
  • Fixed a bug where if the brush menu was opened, the layer menu would move along with it.
  • Fixed a bug where if the language is set to a language with the Latin alphabet, characters from other alphabets would not show properly in a user card.
  • Fixed a bug where in the settings menu, if you selected a setting with your keyboard and moved to a different setting with your mouse, incorrect values would display.
  • Fixed a rare crash when browsing the chunk catalog.