20XX:Core Augments

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This page is about the equippable armor pieces. For the regular item pickups, see Augments.

Core Augments are augments which fit to a specific part of your body, with only one core augment equip-able to a slot at a time. They are found most frequently within Core Chests, which themselves appear most frequently as rewards for completing a Glory Zone's objective.

There are four sets of core augments: the Armatort Set, which focuses on defense; the Dracopent Set, which focuses on weapon attacks; the Owlhawk Set, which focuses on power attacks; and the Oxjack set, which focuses on speed.

Core Augs which appear within a shop have a price determined by which slot they're for. Head Cores cost 20 Nuts, Body Cores cost 25 Nuts, Arm Cores cost 40 Nuts and Leg Cores cost 30 Nuts.

Armatort Set

Armatort's Dome (20XX).png Armatort's Dome Set Bonus
In-game Description
Core (Head): Health pickups might grant armor!
Pickup Text
Armorscoop Online!
Armatort, the Unstoppable (20XX).png

Armatort, the Unstoppable

"Hazardshield Online!"

Makes the player completely immune to environmental damage, such as those from spikes, lava and lasers.
Does not affect bottomless pits, icicle shooters or flame spewers.
Core Chest Small Health pickups have a 20%/30% chance of granting +1 Armor. Large Health pickups have a 30%/60% chance of granting +1 Armor. Cranial Resonator Whenever the effect triggers, gain +2 Armor instead of +1.
Armatort's Shell (20XX).png Armatort's Shell
In-game Description
Core (Body): Grants immunity to knockback!
Pickup Text
Knockback Resistor Online!
Core Chest When you take damage, you no longer take knockback - even if you don't have armor. Case Resonator If you take damage from enemies or projectiles when you have armor, there's a 50% chance that you'll take no damage. This effect never procs on hazards, unfortunately.
Armatort's Pound (20XX).png Armatort's Pound
In-game Description
Core (Arms): Your charged attacks vaporize enemy shots!
Pickup Text
Shot Eraser Online!
+2 Attack Strength, +2 Power Strength
Core Chest Any charged primary weapon attack will destroy all standard projectiles. Note that Kur's Quint Laser cannot be blocked this way. Force Resonator No longer requires a charged attack - any primary weapon attack will destroy standard projectiles.
Armatort's Momentum (20XX).png Armatort's Momentum
In-game Description
Core (Legs): 2 second hover! (Tap JUMP while in midair/again to cancel)
Pickup Text
Short Hover Online!
Core Chest Allows the user to hover horizontally in the air for 2 seconds. Recharges upon touching the ground.
Hover speed is fixed, and is not changed by Run Speed upgrades.
Kinetic Resonator Horizontal movement speed while hovering is 50% faster. Hover time increased by 1 second.

Dracopent Set

Dracopent's Fang (20XX).png Dracopent's Fang Set Bonus
In-game Description
Core (Head): Charging up boosts your next attack, too!
Pickup Text
Chargestore Online!
Dracopent, the Foul (20XX).png

Dracopent, the Foul

"Hypercharge Online!"

Causes all normal Primary shots fired by the player to instead be Charged shots.
As Draco, gain +3 Dracocharges instead.
Core Chest If you fire a charged shot, your next shot fired will have the same level of charge.
As Draco, gain +1 Dracocharge instead.
Cranial Resonator The effect now carries over to the next two shots fired, so you can fire three charged shots with one charge.
As Draco, gain an extra +1 Dracocharge instead.
Dracopent's Pride (20XX).png Dracopent's Pride
In-game Description
Core (Body): Attack kills might restore health!
Pickup Text
Lifesteal Online!
Core Chest Upon killing an enemy with a Primary attack, there's an 8% chance to gain +1 Health.
Attack Strength-based Repros can also trigger the effect.
Case Resonator Whenever the effect triggers, you now gain +2 Health instead of +1.
Dracopent's Claw (20XX).png Dracopent's Claw
In-game Description
Core (Arms): Charge your attacks even chargier!
Pickup Text
Ultracharge Online!
+4 Attack Strength
Core Chest You can charge your attacks to a second level.
Ultracharged shots apply the Charge Modifier twice, usually resulting in 50% more damage.
As Hawk, Ultracharged hits with The Siphon (20XX).png The Siphon restore +2 Energy.

As Draco, the topmost charge becomes Ultracharged. (with set bonus, top two charges)

Force Resonator Any Charged shot fired will instead fire as an Ultracharged shot, effectively halving charge time.
Also applies to the set bonus.

As Draco, all Dracocharges become Ultracharged.

Dracopent's Bound (20XX).png Dracopent's Bound
In-game Description
Core (Legs): Double Jump!
Pickup Text
Bonus Jump Online!
Core Chest You can jump again in the air, gaining additional height equal to half of your usual jump height.
Scales well with mobility upgrades.
Kinetic Resonator You can jump an extra time in the air. Triple jump!

Owlhawk Set

Owlhawk's Focus (20XX).png Owlhawk's Focus Set Bonus
In-game Description
Core (Head): 50% of Powers cast FREE!
Pickup Text
Energy Conservator Online!
Owlhawk, the Wise (20XX).png

Owlhawk, the Wise

"Juiced Powers Online!"

Gives each Power additional effects depending on which Power was used.
(See the Powers page for more details.)
Core Chest Whenever you use a Power, there's a 50% chance of it not consuming Energy. Cranial Resonator The chance of a Power not consuming Energy is now 66%.
Owlhawk's Reign (20XX).png Owlhawk's Reign
In-game Description
Core (Body): Power kills might restore health!
Pickup Text
Powerkill Lifesteal Online!
Core Chest Upon killing an enemy with a Power, there's a 10% chance to gain +1 Health.
Power Strength-based Repros can also trigger the effect.
Case Resonator Whenever the effect triggers, you now gain +2 Health instead of +1.
Owlhawk's Talon (20XX).png Owlhawk's Talon
In-game Description
Core (Arms): Your attack kills might restore energy!
Pickup Text
Energy Siphon Online!
+4 Power Strength
Core Chest Upon killing an enemy with a Primary attack, there's a 15% chance to gain +1 Energy.
Attack Strength-based Repros can also trigger the effect.
As Hawk, every uncharged hit with The Siphon (20XX).png The Siphon restores +1 Energy, charged hits restore +2 Energy.
Force Resonator Whenever the effect triggers, you now gain +2 Energy instead of +1.
Owlhawk's Feather (20XX).png Owlhawk's Feather
In-game Description
Core (Legs): 1 second fly! (Tap JUMP while in midair/again to cancel)
Pickup Text
Short Fly Online!
Core Chest Allows the user to fly in any direction in the air for 1 second. Recharges upon touching the ground.
Flight speed is fixed, and is not changed by Run Speed upgrades.
Kinetic Resonator Movement speed while flying is 50% faster.

Oxjack Set

Oxjack's Ken (20XX).png Oxjack's Ken Set Bonus
In-game Description
Core (Head): Dashbolt activate -- dashing fires a powerful blast!
Pickup Text
Dashbolt Online!
Oxjack, the Flash (20XX).png

Oxjack, the Flash

"Ultimate Airdash Online!"

Gives the user an additional 2 airdashes, which function identically to the ones granted by Oxjack's Blitz.
Core Chest Whenever you dash, a piercing projectile is fired in the direction of the dash. It deals 15 base damage, plus 3 damage for each point of Run Speed. Cranial Resonator A wall of three projectiles is fired, effectively tripling the damage.
Oxjack's Guile (20XX).png Oxjack's Guile
In-game Description
Core (Body): Dashing grants a shield!
Pickup Text
- no pickup text? -
Core Chest Whenever you dash, a shield will appear beside you in the direction of the dash, blocking projectiles.
The shield cannot block Kur's Quint Laser.
Case Resonator If the shield blocks a projectile, it now retaliates with a spread of five projectiles.
Oxjack's Fury (20XX).png Oxjack's Fury
In-game Description
Core (Arms): Charge time reduced!
Pickup Text
- no specific pickup text? -
+2 Attack Strength, +2 Power Strength
Core Chest Reduces the time to charge a Primary shot or regain a Dracocharge by 25%. Force Resonator Reduces the time to charge a Primary shot or regain a Dracocharge by 50%.
Oxjack's Blitz (20XX).png Oxjack's Blitz
In-game Description
Core (Legs): 4-way dash in midair!
Pickup Text
Air Dash Online!
Core Chest Grants a midair dash which can be used in any of the four cardinal directions.
Scales well with Run Speed upgrades and Boltdash (20XX).png Boltdash.
Kinetic Resonator Grants an extra airdash, for a total of two.